Barn Burning And A Rose For Emily Comparison Essay

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William Faulkner stands out as one of the remarkable authors in the contemporary society with a focus on short stories as well as novels. Some of his pieces that almost every English student likes is “A Rose of Emily” as well as the “Barn Burning.” The thematic aspect of these articles being the social life depicted by the southern people. Also, there is the struggle they undergo at different instances. The use of a dramatic context in the stories is vital in fostering empathy. The ability to create the feeling makes it possible for the audience to place themselves in the shoes of the southern town. The ability to develop a sense of sympathy in both stories brings a greater understanding of correlation. Moreover, there exist similarities and …show more content…
William Faulkner, in the short stories “Barn Burning” and “A Rose for Emily,” demonstrates how people with two completely different lives, can share the same kind of problems and both try and solve their problems in the same …show more content…
Still, there is the symbolic significance regarding people’s thoughts in times of danger as well as other natural calamities. The use of Abner and Emily presents a clear analogy of the two stereotypes of life. Emily was from a wealthy family and managed to share problems with a person from a humble background. Even though the issues had a different scope, they led to use similar ways in solving their problems. The only alarming aspect is the problem-solving techniques that proved ineffective. Any problem-solving technique should offer a better solution. Nevertheless, the methods depicted by Abner as well as Emily adds more misery. That is not how a problem-solving solve emerge. Still, the society should be dynamic and embrace change for the sake of the future generation. William Faulkner, in the short stories “Barn Burning” and “A Rose for Emily,” demonstrates how people with two completely different lives, can share the same kind of problems and both try and solve their problems in the same

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