A Great And Mighty Walk Analysis

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The documentary A Great and Mighty Walk, by John Henrik Clarke, articulates the story of African peoples’ throughout history, beginning with his own personal history and interpretations, following by the ancient African civilizations’ and American narration. Clarke recognizes African people have been misrepresented throughout history because it has been written throughout the Eurocentric perception. The distorted taught history and colonialism have been embedded in our educational system and religious belief. Clarke story of searching for the authentic history of African people begun when he was told, “Black people had no history.” Clarke exploration of his own heritage to understand where he came from; lead to the discovery of misrepresentation in American history. Clarke’s discoveries of his ancestors created an eager to study history throughout the world to be completely capable to have understood his ancestor’s origins. He noticed that Africans were in their golden ages, while Europeans were in their dark ages. Europeans travelled to Africa, to witlessly acquire their culture. Instead, the history that …show more content…
The corrupt portrayal is noticeable witness when Clarke points out moments in history that have been rewritten. The history that is taught has a Eurocentric perception, which justifies why we are left clueless of the authentic happenings in history. Europeans took advantage of the learning from Africans, are depict themselves as the conqueror and superior race. The distorted history and colonialism that is educated has been implanted in our educational and religion. Those ancient perceptions are still held today in our educational system. This documentary helps awaken anyone of African decent, with the ultimate goal of seeking the truth of your heritage, and not settling with the fabricated education that is

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