Sugar was a plantation crop, that required lots of capital investment and a large labor force, a crop that made profit with cheap labor. The problem was that Portuguese didn’t want to provide any physical labor for the plantations. In fact, Iberians in America hated to do any type of manual labor. The people of Tupi, didn 't understand …show more content…
Montejo writes how on Sundays and Catholic holidays, the slaves were given the day off to rest, many took the opportunity to celebrate in their own way. "On some plantations the drumming started at mid-day or one o 'clock." (Montejo, Wood, pg. 31). Montejo recalls the energy they had right when they woke up to when they went to bed, the dancing, the games the children played, many wearing pattern scarves and clothing. Some even wearing traditional items, or wearing rawhide …show more content…
People from the Dominican Republic consider their roots in Spain, only a very small part consider their roots from Africa. While in Brazil over 60% of the population have some sort of African blood, they refuse to acknowledge it. The mixed race class quietly desires to be White, although many of them say they are Black in front of their Black friends as you saw in the film when the men put their hands together. Many Blacks secretly want their children to be