PHIL 1100 04
December 12th
Throughout the course of this paper, the topic of skepticism will be discussed in multiple ways. First skepticism will be introduced in John Pollock’s short article A Brain in a Vat. Then the difference between ordinary incredulity and general philosophical skepticism will be discussed. Finally, the various general philosophical skepticism will be analyzed and opinions of arguments will be discussed. John Pollock’s article A Brain in a Vat is a short story about a man named Mike investigating one of his dear friend Harry’s disappearance. It starts with Harry’s wife Anne calling Mike in a state of hysteria because Harry was just abducted from their apartment by two armed men. Skip forward a bit and Mike tracks down Harry’s location and goes to investigate. Upon arriving at the clinic, Mike silences the guards and …show more content…
Mike is apprehended and restrained by “the premier neuroscientists of the world” and is explained what they are doing. The scientists are removing their subjects brains and placing them in vats filled with nutrients that are hooked up to computers that stimulate the brains sensory cortex producing a fictions life that blends seamlessly into their past life leaving the subject perfectly unaware of what happened. Mike is then explained that they needed to test this procedure on an individual who leads a more varied life than Harry. After some pointless chatter between Mike and the neuroscientists, Mike finds out that his brain was removed three months ago and he has been living this fictitious life just like Harry. They release Mike and he returns to his office in a daze and contemplates if his reality is actually real. Because of that incident, Mike is skeptical that his reality is actually real, and considers voluntarily checking