"Cruel and unusual" to refer only to certain barbarous methods of punishment.”(Harvard Law Review). The 8th amendment was first written 1791. It was an amendment that had the power of eliminating all punishments that were labeled as barbarous or inhuman. Abolished punishments included the whipping post, public execution, and more. Originally the whole idea of these public punishments were to show the public an example of what would happen if laws were disobeyed. “Since prison in and of itself would not have been considered a barbaric form of punishment, even grossly disproportionate sentences would not implicate the Cruel and Unusual Punishments Clause.” (Harvard Law Review).When the 8th amendment was appealed it inforce punishments of incarnation, prison. Before the 8th amendment however, incarnation was never really used as a main punishment. It was used more for keeping prisoners in until it was time for their actual punishment. Now incarnation is one of our most popular punishment methods.“Fines were a critical part of the old system of punishment. Unlike the system of physical punishments that existed at the time, economic punishments could be made entirely proportional.”(Harvard Law Review). Fines are one of the only methods that we still use today because it was not considered and still isn’t considered a barbaric, or a cruel or unusual way of punishment. Just like how we pay fines now, offenders would pay off fines if they crime was
"Cruel and unusual" to refer only to certain barbarous methods of punishment.”(Harvard Law Review). The 8th amendment was first written 1791. It was an amendment that had the power of eliminating all punishments that were labeled as barbarous or inhuman. Abolished punishments included the whipping post, public execution, and more. Originally the whole idea of these public punishments were to show the public an example of what would happen if laws were disobeyed. “Since prison in and of itself would not have been considered a barbaric form of punishment, even grossly disproportionate sentences would not implicate the Cruel and Unusual Punishments Clause.” (Harvard Law Review).When the 8th amendment was appealed it inforce punishments of incarnation, prison. Before the 8th amendment however, incarnation was never really used as a main punishment. It was used more for keeping prisoners in until it was time for their actual punishment. Now incarnation is one of our most popular punishment methods.“Fines were a critical part of the old system of punishment. Unlike the system of physical punishments that existed at the time, economic punishments could be made entirely proportional.”(Harvard Law Review). Fines are one of the only methods that we still use today because it was not considered and still isn’t considered a barbaric, or a cruel or unusual way of punishment. Just like how we pay fines now, offenders would pay off fines if they crime was