To begin the main character should be sentenced
To begin the main character should be sentenced
In 1789, James Madison creator and supporter of the 8th amendment and later ratified in 1791 states that excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted. A supporter of the 8th amendment and chief recorder of information for Virginia. The founding fathers also supported the 8th amendment. A supporter of the 8th amendment, Goerge Mason, he included the three provisions for the 8th amendment. For example, a person who steals from a convenience store cannot be put in jail and have bond set for one million dollars because the 8th amendment states that no excessive fines imposed.…
The 8th amendment stops the federal government from any excessive bail, excessive fines, or cruel and unusual punishment. The 8th amendment also applies to the states and not just the federal government. The 8th amendment was adopted as a part of the Bill of Rights in 1791. Because of this amendment, there are very rules laws for the death penalty for example execution by firing squad is not allowed (this used to be a form of capital punishment where they would kill the victim with firearms). This amendment states that there should not be too many bails out of jail in the country.…
Imagine that last week your best friend was murdered. Now, you’re in court and the offender was ruled to have only 11 years of prison, instead of the death penalty in the eyes of the pubic. Would you agree that the punishment given was proportional and justified the crime offended? It certainly wouldn’t have back then, so why is it now? The 8th amendment have changed based on how our prosectives changed over time and so has our ways of interpreting the terms “ cruel and unusual”.…
The eighth amendment guards against the infliction of cruel and unusual punishment by the state. In regards to capital punishment, the eighth amendment becomes even clearer. The argument is that it somewhat reserves a safeguard for the capital defendants in sentencing and should not be used against a defendant. The court determined in cases that cannot be punishable by the death penalty, then the defendant that are part of the case are not obviously necessary to be protected by the eighth amendment. By ruling that the death penalty cannot be deliberate of a defendant, the court decided that it violates the eighth amendment.…
In both of Edgar Allan Poe’s terrifying short stories, “The Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Cask of Amontillado” a murder is described in the eyes of the perpetrator. In “The Tell-Tale Heart” the murderer kills an old man because he believed that the old man’s milky eye was evil, whereas in “The Cask of Amontillado” a murderer kills a man who had previously insulted him. Edgar Allan Poe utilizes the narrator’s disturbing point of view and the cynical tone to entertain the reader with a suspenseful and horrific story. To begin with, Edgar Allan Poe describes the murder in each of the short stories through the unreliable point of view of the perpetrator which gives insight of their twisted perspective enhancing the suspense of the story. When the narrator in “The Tell Tale Heart” enters the old man’s room to kill him, the narrator describes how, “but even yet I refrained and kept…
The U.S. Constitution’s clause regarding “cruel and unusual punishment” is the most essential and contentious part of the Eighth Amendment. What does it mean for a punishment of a crime to be “cruel and unusual”? How does one evaluate a punishment’s cruelty? The Eighth Amendment, ratified in 1791, includes only sixteen words: "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted” (Eighth Amendment).…
The Eighth Amendment, which forbids unnecessary fines and bails as well as cruel and unusual punishment, was included in the Constitution because the British’s ways of punishment angered the Founding Fathers of the constitution and they wanted to be sure that the government’s power would not be abused and to prevent any future problems arising in areas of justice. The framers of the constitution, when writing the Eighth Amendment, took into consideration cases where severe punishments such as, branding, strangling or burning would be used. According to Exploring Constitutional Conflicts, “One clue to the expectations of the framers comes from the debates of the First Congress that proposed the Eighth Amendment. On the floor of the House, Representative Livermore complained about the vagueness of the amendment's language: "It is sometimes necessary to hang a man, villains often deserve a whipping, and perhaps having their ears cut off, but are we in the future to be prevented from inflicting those punishments because they are 'cruel'?” .…
Contentious Background History and extent The first recorded incident of a juvenile offender execution occurred in 1642, carried out by the Plymouth colony of Massachusetts. Since then, 361 individuals have been executed for crimes they committed as a juvenile. In the past 50 years, 226 juveniles were sentenced with the death penalty, though only 22 have actually had their sentences carried out.…
One concerning fomented subjects between America today is the death penalty. While the disagreement can remain reduced under disputes over ethics, a more prominent pragmatical strategy recommends defendable factors that are confirmed and supported by the crimes being committed that warrants the death penalty. Supporters with respect to the death penalty feels that it deters crime, gives closure, or is a just punishment for those who choose to take away a human life. Those that are against the death penalty argue that execution of a human is a disloyalty of fundamental human rights, thus the eighth Amendment which expresses that a punishment cannot be cruel and unusual and is an ineffective crime deterrent. Some also believe that it is an outdated…
Too Young or Just Right? Through history, the way society has dealt with consequences to previous unjust actions have evolved over the years, especially with children. In the 18th century kids were being sent to jail or killed for innocent crimes. Cyriaque Lamar, an expert on this time period states “During the Victorian era kinds as young as 11 received adult sentences for minor crimes”.…
The Eighth Amendment is the Amendment under the Bill of Rights I feel is most important with regards to the rights of incarcerated individuals. The Eight Amendment states that each detainee has the privilege to be free under the Eighth Amendment from uncaring treatment or anything that could be viewed as "savage and irregular" discipline. Shockingly, the Eighth Amendment did not plainly characterize what "cold blooded and irregular" discipline incorporates, which means a significant part of the definition has come from case law. As a rule, any discipline that is viewed as unfeeling treatment, similar to torment or manhandle, or an infringement of a man's fundamental nobility may be viewed as cold blooded and uncommon inside of the court's caution. A few specifics covered under the Eighth Amendment are detainees rights to be free of segregation, lewd behavior or Sex crimes, the right to complain about prison conditions and access to the courts, sensible housing for handicapped detainees and the same access to offices as non-handicapped detainees, restorative and mental health care and…
“Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted “ (US). This is what the Eighth Amendment states. Although excessive bail and fines are intriguing, what’s more striking about the Eighth Amendment is that it mentions “cruel and unusual punishments”. Although you would think “cruel and unusual punishments” might be rare I think you’d be surprised how many cases deal strictly with what the Eighth Amendment prohibits.…
As a citizen of the United States of America, each person is entitled to one’s Constitutional Rights. In our Bill of Rights, one can see very important rights that pertain to our criminal justice system making sure that the people of the United States are treated fairly. The eighth amendment is most important when it comes to corrections. Amendment Eight of the Bill of Rights prohibits the federal government from imposing excessive bail, excessive fines, or cruel and unusual punishment. In our history, one can see how there were many examples of how the government violated this amendment.…
In the short story The Tell Tale Heart, Edgar Allan Poe writes about a character who is never differentiated between a male and a female. The narrator explains his reasoning behind murdering his neighbor, an innocent old man. The old man had never done anything to the narrator, but he or she felt like killing him was the best thing to do. Throughout the story the narrator uses pathos and ethos in order to convince the audience that he is somehow the victim in the story. The author never reveals the gender of the narrator in the story, most assume it is a male.…
Edgar Allan Poe is known for his mysterious and suspenseful short stories. His stories have an air of madness and his character development is impeccable. In the story A Tell-Tale Heart, Poe proves himself even more with his excellent character development to the unnamed narrator. He writes about the narrator who believes himself not to be mad, but is motivated to kill a man because the man's eye scares him. This essay will discuss the character development of the narrator, and how he copes with madness.…