Out of the 7 habits in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teen, I've picked two which are Habit 1 and Habit 5. Habit 1 is "Be Proactive; I Am The Force". Habit 5 is "Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood; You Have Two Eyes and One Mouth". When using these two habits, it could help people in many ways in life.
Habit 1 is about being proactive. Being proactive is all about "thinking before they act" (Covey 57). Being proactive could be something just little and simple and easy. For example, when someone gets in a fight with a sibling, fighting and arguing, they go back and apologize. They were fussing and fighting, then ending up working everything out and saying sorry. They were learning to be proactive.
Habit 5 is about listening. It's a proven fact that "listening is one of the most difficult skills on the planet", said Nicole Lipkin, (http://www.businessinsider.com). Listening to others can get people far in life, even if they don't expect it. For example, if someone listens during class, it …show more content…
Someone could use these habits for different things like handling their attitude, all the way to getting themselves a good education. Even if someone doesn't believe that listening in class doesn't matter, it truly does. As Michael Nicholos said in his book, The Lost Art of Listening, he states "To listen is to pay attention, take an interest, care about, take to heart, validate, acknowledge, and appreciate (Nicholos 14). Then back to being proactive, people can even be proactive when listening during school, presentation, etc. This is because if someone is paying attention to the people that are teaching/speaking, they will become more proactive by respecting them by giving them all their attention. Therefore, always listen and never get an attitude with someone, because if people wouldn't, they could get a lot farther in life, a lot