Domestic Violence Statistics

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According to Vagianos article “30 Shocking Domestic Violence Statistics That Remind Us It 's An Epidemic” in The Huffington Post, domestic violence is the leading cause of injury in the world. In the U.S alone 1.3 million women, and 835,000 men are abused by their intimate partners. What do you think of whenever you consider domestic violence? Most would say a white female being beaten by a spouse. It is very well known and advertised that women of the Caucasian race are victims of domestic violence, but what about those less known victims? Domestic Violence pertains to not only white women, but also to men; As well as those of color and members of the LGBT community. Statistics show that there is even a higher chance of those least thought of as victims to be the ones who are abused. Throughout any relationship domestic violence is a very big problem. Domestic violence is a very harmful subject, both mentally and physically that pays toll to the health of its victims. Domestic violence as defined by The United States Department of Justice As “ A pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner” Domestic abuse includes many different kinds of abuse such as physical, sexual, emotional, economic, and psychological. The physical being bodily harming, such as biting, scratching, punching, kicking, etc. The sexual being any sexual contact or behavior without the consent of the victim. The emotional being making the victim feel unworthy, for example criticizing. The economic abuse being keeping the victim through finances. Finally the physiological being keeping the victim in through fear and threats whether it be towards the victim or threats to harm oneself. These numerous types of violence are all around us, and occurring on an everyday basis. They occur more often than not, and are a very huge problem in many relationships. As stated by Vagianos, “ domestic violence occurs every 9 seconds in the United States”. The worst thing being the reality that they occur in relationships with those who victims are likely to trust the most. Domestic violence is a very huge problem that has occurred for many years, and has luckily created laws to prevent it along the way. There are several laws on restrictions to domestic violence, federal as well as state. Some laws, as addressed by Federal and State Domestic Violence Legislation, vary depending on the state in which they involve. For instance some states have mandatory reporting from medical professionals if there is evidence towards domestic violence abuse. Another example is the requirement that police officers arrest a party in a domestic violence call if it meets certain criteria. Another state law includes the early termination of leases in the case of living with …show more content…
It occurs in those of every gender, size, and color. This is especially present in the opposite of expected. As stated in the article "Statistics." by The National Domestic Violence Hotline, one in every seven men are victims of severe violence by an intimate partner Though just as likely victims, men who report being victims of a battering are likely to be ridiculed. This is due to the stereotype that men are much stronger than women, causing the outlook of men being victims as a very unlikely occurrence. In the occurrence of male victims there is normally much more danger involved. 63% of males as opposed to 15% of females had a deadly weapon used against them in a fight with an intimate partner (“The National Domestic Violence Hotline”). The stereotype of men being stronger is no help in the matter of being faced with a deadly weapon. Also in the case of a reported battering, the police are much less likely to respond quickly. Resulting in harsher injuries and sometimes …show more content…
Domestic violence occurs in even the LGBT and colored communities. In relationships between two women, two men, or even relationships involving color, domestic violence is evident. For example statistics show 50% of homosexual women experience domestic violence in their lifetime. (Vagianos). A similar high statistic is that two in five gay or bisexual men experience domestic violence within their lifetime. Domestic violence also occurs in relationships of color. For example the fact that black women experience domestic violence at rates 35% higher than the white women vagianos) The harshness and the cruelty of domestic violence is a harsh

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