It occurs in those of every gender, size, and color. This is especially present in the opposite of expected. As stated in the article "Statistics." by The National Domestic Violence Hotline, one in every seven men are victims of severe violence by an intimate partner Though just as likely victims, men who report being victims of a battering are likely to be ridiculed. This is due to the stereotype that men are much stronger than women, causing the outlook of men being victims as a very unlikely occurrence. In the occurrence of male victims there is normally much more danger involved. 63% of males as opposed to 15% of females had a deadly weapon used against them in a fight with an intimate partner (“The National Domestic Violence Hotline”). The stereotype of men being stronger is no help in the matter of being faced with a deadly weapon. Also in the case of a reported battering, the police are much less likely to respond quickly. Resulting in harsher injuries and sometimes …show more content…
Domestic violence occurs in even the LGBT and colored communities. In relationships between two women, two men, or even relationships involving color, domestic violence is evident. For example statistics show 50% of homosexual women experience domestic violence in their lifetime. (Vagianos). A similar high statistic is that two in five gay or bisexual men experience domestic violence within their lifetime. Domestic violence also occurs in relationships of color. For example the fact that black women experience domestic violence at rates 35% higher than the white women vagianos) The harshness and the cruelty of domestic violence is a harsh