The Amendment I proposed is designed to remedy a problem set on by the lack of limitation on Congress concerning their terms. Currently, the Constitution is silent on this matter, and this creates murky waters. However, the court case, U.S. Term Limits v. Thornton, ruled that qualifications could not be added for members of Congress, unless it is stated in the Constitution. It is evident that this problem has been discussed for many years prior, but the ruling in the U.S. Term Limits v. Thornton …show more content…
This will hopefully encourage the members to discuss and pass more legislation. This solution is best achieved by an amendment rather than an ordinary law because of the court case mentioned earlier, U.S. Term Limits v Thornton, p. 78. The ruling stated that qualifications for the members of Congress cannot be added unless explicitly stated in the Constitution. In the existing Constitution, they are mostly silent about qualifications of Congress. Although the case above prevents this from surviving if done by ordinary law, there is nothing in the Constitution pertaining to Congress term limits and would not prevent the amendment from surviving. The issue presented is not new to the United States and there has been discussion on how to curb the problems created by no congressional term limits. In a study from the University of Maryland, a whopping 83 percent of respondents favored a constitutional amendment that would establish congressional term limits. With differences among the parties being 80 percent among Democrats and 86 percent among Republicans. When researching the opinions of congressional term limits, I thought I would see a huge difference in percentages among the parties and to my surprise, both parties favor this proposal. As