He hears O'Brien tell him, “If you confess and tell us that Julia is guilty, these rats will be no more.” Winston replies, “No, I will not. Down with Big Brother, Down with Airstrip One, Down with Oceania, the Brotherhood will live on …show more content…
He does not believe what has just come before his eyes. Could this really be happening to him, could this be real life. In a soft, quiet tone he asks O'Brien, “Is this real? Is this really happening?” “Yes Comrade. All of this torture, all of this time, everything in your life has been a test leading up to this moment. The Brotherhood needed to make sure you were the right material to help with our rebellion.” “But, how can this be? Everyone in here that I have seen, Ampleforth, Parsons, Julia, Are they in on this too?” “As they were not directly a part of your recruitment, they too have now become part of the Brotherhood. They all have gone through the same test you have, down to the last detail, and have all passed.” Winston is astonished by the news he has heard. Could this be real? Could his life be fulfilled and his life goal be in reach. Winston, still shocked by what has just happened, can’t stop tears of joy from pouring out of his eyes. He jumps out of the closet into O'Brien’s arms and finally sees his friend show a sign of emotion, something not allowed in Airstrip One. Winston truly understands that he is in the right place. “Come with me Winston,” says O'Brien, “There is someone I would like to show you. She has been the leader of your entire recruitment mission this entire