His upbringing in a slum assisted him in reasoning with the other jurors’ of the innocence of the defendant. It is for this reason that he was able to explain the way to hold the switchblade knife. He says: “you don’t use this kind of knife that way.” (Act 2 page 49). Perhaps with the knowledge he has accumulated by living in a slum gives him an upper hand over the rest of the jurors’ as he can relate to it. Accordingly the 5th jurors background aids him in making a wise decision.
Ultimately, Rose has clearly explained that personal experience is an important aspect that influences the human decision-making processes. This is ascertained when the 3rd Juror’s agonizing experience with his son forces him to vote for guilty, the 9th juror’s old age grants him wisdom and insight and the 5th Juror’s life in a slum allows him to make a sound decision. Therefore personal experience is a very important factor that affects a person’s