As we are all aware writers use many different writing techniques and formats while engaging in their writing styles. The most known and common are as follows: Quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing to name a few. So, what are the differences between the three and why may a writer decided to choose one writing method over the other? Although there are many styles for which to choose quoting, paraphrasing, …show more content…
How, this is usually accomplished is by extracting words and replacing them with your own personal touch; which allows for you to give it a more detailed and polished input to the passage segment. Usually this is done by replacing words with synonym’s and antonyms, by abstracting unnecessary words from the original sentence in order to make it more personable. Like for instance, a word that has the same meaning in exchange for one of similarities, or the opposite of the word. By doing these things, it gives your readers a more personal touch to your own work, while giving credit to you; and not just to someone else. That’s when you can go a bit further and personalize it more by using eye-catching techniques and phrasing; while engaging with your audience. Basically, it’s a way to add to the authentic materials to which you’ve made significant change to coming from its original contents. However, remember if you should make any changes to the original sentence, you always need to put quotations as well as cite the original work; just like you would when writing a direct quote. While there may seem to be little differences between the two, paraphrasing is re-structuring the sentence into your own words, to where quoting is stating exactly what the original author had …show more content…
Remember, to cite your paper with the appropriate citation method; like for example (APA) citation it requires you to cite your quotes by placing quotation marks around the part of the sentence to which you are quoting or emphasizing. This is followed up by including the following: the author, year, and page number; this is also acceptable in a straight forward quote as well. Remember, the rule of thumb is it also depends on how the sentence is written and the proper placement of the quote. However, if you follow the above guidelines it’s acceptable in terms of the APA format; and will be considered an acceptable written paper. During the paraphrasing method, the proper way to cite is by mentioning the author to which it was written and the year if using in-text citation; this is usually done at the end of the paraphrasing sentence where you’d place the citation. “Although, in some classes it’s not needed to include the page number; it’s completely up to the instructor’s themselves to make that call” (Wilhoit, 1997, p.1). This is normally something your institution and instructors have come to terms with in their set rules and instructional guidelines. When citing from a book, the web, or article always cite with the proper citation and any references used. Lastly, always have a reference page at the end of your essay for one to reference back to where you obtained your information for your