1.2 Explain The Importance Of Safeguarding Report

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Child protection/ Safeguarding policy of my setting states how to respond to allegations or suspicions of harm/abuse made by the child or young person. It is very important that all the staff members are aware of appropriate response to the disclosure of harm, abuse by the child otherwise it can damage the situation, confidence of the discloser in school and may result in failure to act quickly.

It clearly states that staff members should not decide whether or not the abuse or harmful act has taken place but one must report any concerns related to child protection to appropriate authorities. A responsible staff member who reports the concern gets full support and appropriate response.
Depending on the concern different type of investigation
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 Report to the safeguarding heads within 24 hours and maintain the confidentiality within the responsible heads/authorities only.
 Not to confront the abuser.
 In case there is a potential harm to other children then designated safeguarding head will take appropriate steps to ensure safety of the child and other children at risk.
 If the allegations are made against teacher, learning support assistant, staff or volunteer then the designated safeguarding lead may advice the school head that the responsible adult may get immediately suspended pending investigation and police and social services will be contacted.
 If Head teacher is accused of abuse, then the proprietor will be alerted and police, social services will be contacted.
 All the information and recorded data must be stored safely and securely with the school with limited access to all designated heads, in-line with school’s data protection policy.
 Contact/Inform parent/carer as soon as possible on advice from socials services department.
 Provide all possible support to deal with the aftermath of the
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 Social services should be consulted if the perpetrator is also a child or group of children victimising a single child.
Information provided to The police and Social services must contain the detailed record at the time of disclosure/ concern. It should include name, age, date of birth of the child. Child’s contact details and home address. The nature of allegation, including dates/time and other facts/relevant information. The recording staff should make a clear distinction between what is fact, opinion & hearsay. Make a note of any visible bruising or other injuries and any indirect signs, such as behavioural changes. Record details of witnesses to the incidents.
• The child’s account, if it can be given, of what has happened and how any bruising or other injuries occurred.
• Have the parents been contacted? If so what has been said?
• Has anyone else been consulted? If so record details.
• If the child was not the person who reported the incident, has the child been spoken to? If so what was said?
• Has anyone been alleged to be the abuser? Record

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