Vocabulary Vocabulary

Improved Essays
Vocabulary (Vocabulary Enricher): (present if the student does not have his homework, or it is incomplete, or if there is a need to model this literary circle job. Present as much material as it is needed)
1. Show the vocabulary context sentences included in the PowerPoint Presentation on the iPad.
2. Tell students to read the sentence silently and try to determine the meaning of the highlighted word.
• Tarnation (page 52) – People that have never believed in Jesus Christ as their Savior, are in tarnation for their sins after their death.
• Cascade (page 52) – “Grandfather poured a cascade of syrup over the pancakes and licked his lips. “Okay now.” He paused to eat a dripping forkful.”
• Majestic (page 53) – These mountains are just majestic
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o She might have prayed that the Lord will work in Grandfather’s heart and this is an answer to the prayer. o Also, Nick’s first sentence in the morning was that grandfather wanted him to bring him food. We may infer that he is eager to do it and his enthusiasm might have caused his mother to smile.
Page 53
• How does the grandfather know so much about Japanese kites? (interpretative) o He might have been to Japan and spend a major amount of time, so that he had opportunity to get to know the culture. Also, he seems to be prejudice toward Japanese people. It suggests that Thermos likely had to meet some Japanese in the past.
• Why is the grandfather surprised when Nick suggests getting a thermos? (interpretative) o He is surprised by Nick’s compassion and care. He most likely doesn’t expect that from a boy his age. It is clear that Bick testimony impresses grandfather.
Page 55
• Why is Mrs. McHugh yelling at Nick? (interpretative) o Mrs. McHugh yells at Nick because she doesn’t assume right he is fulfilling the task his mom gave to him, but she things he just listens to the conversation.
Page 57
• Do the boys fly their kites on the beach?

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