The Megalodon Shark Skin

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Another important adaptation that the Megalodon shark had that was very beneficial to it was its skin. The Megalodons skin was assumed to be similar to the Great White sharks skin. Therefore, its skin was sleek and slippery looking which
Figure 10: Shark skin in high magnification (Meyer, 2013) helped the shark move through the water due to less friction. This was beneficial when hunting, for they could swim faster in order to catch prey. Although the skin of the Megalodon looked sleek, it was actually made up of thousands of small dermal denticals which gave it a rough texture as shown in Figure 10. The rough skin protected the shark from getting injured on other surfaces, and it even had the ability of badly injuring other animals that were soft skinned if they rubbed up next to the shark, (Meyer, 2013).
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These were very important as it helped the Megalodon move through the water, balance, and they also helped with flexible movements which help them take advantage of the cartilage skeleton. All of these anatomical characteristics were very important for the Megalodon shark, for it was the reason why is dominated the sea and was at the top of the food chain.
The Struggle of Existence:
Sharks are in a species that are seriously threatened with their population diminishing quickly. Although sharks are an aggressive species, they actually are in need of help to prevent their species from disappearing. The biggest threat to sharks are humans due to habitat deterioration, climate change, shark finning, and entanglement in commercial fishing nets, (Shark Threats, 2017). Over the years climate change has dramatically affected sharks, and that is why many species have already gone extinct. Furthermore, thousands of sharks are killed each year, just for their fins

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