American Temperance Movement

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Crusades and supporters of total abstinence of alcohol beverages have sought to eradicate its sale or limit the consumption and production since about the early eighteen hundreds. Throughout the early nineteenth century, residents of the United States became certain that many citizens were living in an immoral methodology. This immoral living was due on account of the discovery of fermentation; opponents of alcohol have attempted to eliminate its consumption for centuries (Rumbarger). Residents of the United States believed Americans would no longer be blessed and that ungodly and unscrupulous people of our society presented a threat to America 's moral and political system. To survive this threat people believed citizens needed to be more …show more content…
The American Temperance Society was an influential organization established to advocate temperance and the abolishment of Alcohol. This movement was a consequence of early agricultural farmers wishing to wane their labor forces from drinking during harvesting of the crops. Although these efforts were infrequent due in part that alcohol beverages were a major commodity of the agriculture production and commerce during that period, the temperance movement developed into a momentous campaign with heavily met resistance. The temperance movement became weak in the time leading up to and right after the Civil War. Upon the conclusion of the war the national temperance movement; with concerns in respect to alcohol once again began to surface and flourish in its appeal to reduce and/or eliminate alcohol consumption. During the late 1800s, the United States economy was shifting from an economy based primarily on agriculture to an industrialized economy or nation. What the original movement proposed was the idea to increase productivity, and obtain a uniformed standard of labor the consumption of alcohol in the United States would need to be restrained or …show more content…
With Franklin D. Roosevelt running for president in 1932 pursuing the appeal to Prohibition a victory over the current President Herbert Hoover would transpire. Since Franklin D. Roosevelt’s election provided the end of Prohibition, Congress would review and passed a resolution in February 1933 to propose the twenty-first Amendment to the Constitution, which embarked on and eventually repealed the eighteenth amendment. The twenty-first amendment was submitted to the states, and in December 1933 with thirty-six votes the amendment would be ratified. Prohibition remained in effect until the Twenty-First Amendment in 1933. With the Eighteenth Amendment 's repeal, organized temperance movements declined in demand and influence. Although the passing of the amendments to the Constitution ended Prohibition with the ratification, there were still several states, which would continue to prohibit alcohol, however by 1966 all states had eliminated prohibition, however there are still some counties within different states, which still remain “dry” to this

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