Spastic Muscle Spam Case Study

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CHIEF COMPLAINT: Difficulty moving legs; severe muscle cramps in legs and inability to move toes and constant crying.
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: AGE, GENDER RACE: 4 day old Caucasian male. Parents complains that he is not moving his legs. Legs look emaciated. The parents describes his defecation as sporadic and not occurring every day and the left femur is noticeably shorter than the right. Patient is lethargic and suffering from spastic muscle spasms.
PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: The patient no previous medical history. Allergies: No known drug allergies. Current Medication: None. Blood type B; Rh+.

VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 65/40, pulse 130, respiration 55, height 20 inches, and weight 7.5 pounds. HEENT: Nystagmus of

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