Romanticism In John Keats In When I Have Fears That I May Cease To Be?

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Romanticism literature was a historical movement during the industrial revolution. Romanticism wasn’t a war or a political party, but the birth of new ideas. In addition Romanticism was a time where emotion was favorited over realization, individuality over sociality and imagination over logic. The birth of Romanticism was a mindset and a way of feeling. Romantics believed it should be nature over artificial wealth. During this era people saw the birth of romantic hero’s, these people were sensitive and doomed individuals who often were artists. Some of these romantic heroes were pressed by their families to become doctors and lawyers when all they wanted to do was write poetry.John Keats was an apothecary, but he never practiced his profession, deciding he wanted to write poetry instead. He was a remarkable writer who knew his life was short lived. His poem “When I Have Fears that I May Cease to be”, was a poem he wrote knowing he had fallen ill. John Keats states “And feel that I may …show more content…
Some romantic poets believed that imagination was GOD’s way of working the mind. Keats was a poet who used nature and metaphors to explore his imaginative ideas. In the poem When I Have Fears that I May Cease to be, John Keats writes “Before high piled books, in charactery, Hold like rich garners the full-ripen 'd grain”, this line is considered to be a metaphor which means he if dies before becoming famous, to make sure you hold on to what he said tightly. Perhaps romantic poets used imagination for the reader to understand the natural element of life. When he said “Hold like rich garners the full-ripen 'd grain”, he wanted the reader feel and imagine how he was feeling. Grain is dead, you pull out the grain when you are ready to put in a new seed. Poets of the romantic era were over imaginative not because they wanted to dream, but because they wanted to expand their minds to new

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