Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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Gun control laws are needed because guns are often used for violence rather a form of protection. Although, the Second Amendment states that you have the right to bear arms guns should be used as self-defense and not to kill intentionally. Gun control law can limit the people who can have them and use them for the correct reason. The Second Amendment has become a critical battleground since the U.S Supreme Court held, in District of Columbia v. Heller, that the Amendment guarantees an individual right to possess a firearm in the home for self-defense. In 2003, Dick Anthony Heller challenged the District of Columbia’s decades laws banning possession of handguns and requiring firearms in the homes to be stored locked or dissembled. (Columbia v. Heller) The court provided examples stating that the law should prohibit firearm possessions by felons and the mentally ill, forbid fire arm …show more content…
The U.S has the highest rate of firearm deaths among 25 high income nations. Young people up to 24 years of age constitute over 40% of all firearm deaths and non-fatal injuries each year. Guns acres used to commit nearly 400,000 crimes every year and nearly 70% of all murders in the U.S are committed with a firearm. (Gun Regulation and the Second Amendment) Close to 33,000 people are killed and another 81,000 are injured by gun violence every year in the United States, researches said. (Preidt, Health Day Reporter) In 2010 in the U.S 19,392 people committed suicide with guns. Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the U.S. (Drexler) Remember when there was a massive shooting in the Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport in Broward County in January? Remember when there was a massive shooting in the Pulse Night Club in Orlando in June? And remember the shooting at the movie theater in Colorado? Those are some examples of why there should be gun control on who can have

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