Overcoming Obstacles

Improved Essays
Gaby Capozza
COMM 208-54
Journal #7 Sometimes, I want to express my emotions to someone but I do not because I encounter obstacles. One of these obstacles is societal customs. Women, at one time, were known for being emotional and “soft”. In today’s society, I do not want to be portrayed as the typical weak and emotional female. I have personally experienced this obstacle several times in my life. One time in specific, was with my current boyfriend, Ty. I used to be friends with his high school friend, Sam. Before I started dating Ty, Sam and I would text constantly and hangout in school. After Ty and I started dating, Sam started to get extremely disrespectful and insulting towards me. However, Ty was his best friend, so I felt like I could
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However, according to Darwin, venting may not be the best way to cope with negative emotions. Darwin believed that ventilation causes anger to increase. Although there is a study in the book that proves this theory, I disagree. I find venting extremely beneficial. When I do not talk about my emotions with a friend I trust, I feel as if I am bottling up my emotions. Anytime I am arguing or upset with my boyfriend, I tell someone. If I am at school, I talk to my roommate, who also has a boyfriend. If I am at home, I talk to my twin sister, who has a boyfriend as well, yet she also loves and cares about me and my feelings. If ventilation is not healthy, why do therapists and counselors exist? These professionals are paid and trained to listen to their customer’s problems. If those customers do not gain anything from seeing a therapist or counselor, why would they spend the money and time talking to them? Although I do understand how ventilation can occasionally make someone emotionally aroused faster, I believe it is more unhealthy to bottle up your

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