Molar Concentration Lab Report

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• Learn how to utilize and understand the functioning of the pH meter.
• To find a stoichiometric point using a functional graphical method.
• To discern the molar concentration of a specific weak acid solution.
• To compute the molar mass of a specific weak acid utilized within the experiment.
• To calculate the pKa of a weak concentrated acid within the experiment.
1. Molar Concentration of a Weak Acid Solution
• Obtain an unknown acid solution (90 mL) and three 250 mL beakers. Make sure the beakers are clean.
• Acquire 0.1 M of NaOH solution for this experiment and make sure to determine the specific molar concentration of sodium hydroxide utilized.
• Obtain a buret and make sure to rinse it with tap water, deionized
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Add the unknown acid solution to each of the three beakers using the pipet. Next, add 50 mL of deionized water to each of the solutions.
• Using figure 18.3 layout the titration apparatus in order to measure the pH of each of the solutions. Take the electrode placed in the deionized water and make sure to dry it with Kimwipes and place it in the beaker containing solution 1 and continue to stir the solution. Record the accurate pH displayed.
• Add NaOH in different 1-to-2 mL additions and continue to stir the solution. Allow the pH meter to reach stability and record the readings displayed.
• Add the NaOH in drop measurements when the stoichiometric point is near. One the point has been established add drops of NaOH, 1-mL and then 2-3 mL until 10 mL of sodium hydroxide is in the beaker above the stoichiometric point. Measure and record the pH.
• Using the appropriate curve create a titration curve and draw a curve among the points. Make sure to record the volume of sodium hydroxide accurately.
• Repeat the experiment with beakers 2 and 3 and calculate the average of the molar concentration of the acid utilized.
2. Molar Mass and the pKa of a Solid Weak

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