Midnight Rising Analysis

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Midnight Rising: John Brown and the raid that sparked the Civil War is written by Tony Horwitz: a bestselling author and journalist who has taken the time to tell an essential American story. The book covers the events surrounding the raid on Harpers Ferry and the complex character of John Brown. Horwitz thesis explains that the raid on Harpers Ferry is the spark that lit the fire of secession and Civil War.
John Brown grew as a descendent of Puritans and soldiers from the Revolutionary War, and his upbringing created his “burning hatred of racial oppression” (Horwitz, p.16) and “determination to help slaves” (Horwitz, p.19). He believed that the dissipation of slavery would fulfill America’s founding principles, so he began to lead raids
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As Brown presents Harpers Ferry as a target and determines the loyalty of his men, the author provides a letter from Owen Smith stating, “We have all agreed to sustain your decisions, until you have proved incompetent, and many of us will adhere to your decisions as long as you will” (Horwitz, p.112). The letter informs the reader of Brown’s growing relationship with others. Horwitz use of the sources is appropriate to the monograph because it explains a lot of the speculation that has grown around Brown’s story. Another monograph that recognizes John Brown’s contributions is John Brown, Abolitionist: The Man Who Killed Slavery, Sparked the Civil War, and Seeded Civil Rights by David S. Reynolds. This book is a cultural biography of John Brown, discussing the controversial violent tactics against slavery. Reynolds proclaims that John Brown’s extraordinary feats lead to the Civil War. The second book is Give Me Liberty!: An American History (Seagull Fourth Edition) (Vol. 1) by Eric Foner. It discusses the many people from our past who have contributed to the civil war. Foner focuses on freedom and how the notion of freedom has changed through the ages. Side by side the books have slight contrast in choosing exactly what key factors are more important; regardless, each book concludes on the similar idea that …show more content…
His burning hatred of racial oppression leads him to conduct a raid into Harpers Ferry and liberate the slaves. Brown’s bloody uprising ruptured the union between North and South, but his bravery made him a hero. Attracting the attention of Abraham Lincoln, Brown’s dream was fulfilled in the Emancipation Proclamation. Readers will remember this topic as it paints the portrait of a pivotal figure. This book will impact the United States by recounting the life of history’s most complicated and vexed character. Any reader who is interested in venturing the life and contributions of John Brown in detail should read this

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