Joseph Lister Research Paper

Improved Essays
Joseph Lister is a well-known biologist and the reason people survive surgery. He created a way to increase the survival rates for patients after a major surgery. Although it was more time consuming than the original way, it was worth it in the results. Joseph Lister came from an experienced educational background and added a major contribution to the biological society. His inspiration took him a long way and he created a name for himself in the biological community. Although Joseph Lister became a famous biologist later in life, he came from a normal childhood. He was born on April 5, 1827 in Essex, England. He was the fourth child out of Jackson and Isabella Harris Lister's seven children. His father was a very wealthy wine merchant, he …show more content…
Antiseptic had changed from Lister’s original idea but it still used in surgery today. One of the most needed uses for antiseptic during surgery is when the surgeon is “scrubbing in” to the surgery. When “scrubbing in” the surgeons rub a combination of three different solutions on their hands and arms to ensure that they are properly cleansed before preforming surgery. The surgeons need to scrub in three different spots on their arms/hands and scrub for five minutes. If your hands touch anything at any time during the scrub it must be restarted. After the scrub is done you dry off using a sterile hand towel (one for each arm) and dab from your hands to your upper arm (Medscape). Another way antiseptic is used during surgery is applying it to the patient prior to surgery. The operation site is always cleaned with antiseptic solutions before surgery; it reduces the germs on the skin and therefore reduces the chance that the wound will become infected (pubmedhealth). Antiseptics can also be used in everyday life. Antiseptic also comes in creams that are referred to as first-aid creams. These types of antiseptics are sold over the counter at local drug stores or pharmacies. Some types of antiseptic creams have a minor pain relieving substance called and anesthetic. Anesthetics soothe the skin during the process of healing. Antiseptic creams are not to be applied heavily; most cases only call for a thin layer applied topically (livestrong). Another common use of antiseptic in life is the use of hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is quite weak but it caused oxygen gases to be liberated. The liberation of the oxygen gas produces bubble and that creates an action that could be useful to cleanse the wound by remove tissue debris. Although hydrogen peroxide is very effective, the effectiveness can be lowered by the presence of pus and/or blood

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