IPR In Railway Industry Case Study

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Transport is essential for the competitiveness of both economies and for the commercial, economic and personal mobility exchanges. In the area of the railway sector, the current success of the high speed, automation of railway operation and the restructuring that is taking place worldwide serve to highlight the type of markets where there is greater potential. At present, the global market volume stands at 7,100 locomotives million euros a year. About 10,000 million invested in remodelling and maintenance of a total fleet of 120,000 and 45,000 diesel locomotives electric locomotives (Alexandersson, 2009).
It is anticipated that the market volume decline, being the most influential factor in this circumstance the fall in transport demand, from the effects of the economic and financial crisis. In Asia, the governments of China and India are investing heavily in the railroad to make it the backbone of transport services. And, despite the crisis, they are devoting significant funds to this objective. Award activities have resulted in growing markets grow, not only in the passenger transport sector, but also of goods (Friebel, et al., 2010).
An estimated 30% of global transport of passengers and goods is performed annually through 90,000 kilometres of roads in the Chinese railway system and whose course is in
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Widening of protectable subject matter has led towards emergence of using IPR that are involved within the construction or expansion projects initiated by Railway authorities such as Network Rail and London Underground. Developments within the IPR law are spreading at an accelerating pace within different parts of the world. Thus, this research is significant in explaining the importance of IPR especially in the present world and the effects the IPR have on rail supply and services or products (Friebel, et al.,

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