Epilepsy Term Paper

Improved Essays
Many people associate epilepsy and seizures with violent movements with muscle contractions, but there are actually many types of seizures that one can have. As stated by the Mayo Clinic (2015), “Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of the central nervous system in which nerve activity in the brain becomes disrupted, causing seizures or periods of unusual behaviour, sensations, and sometimes loss of consciousness” (Para. 16). Epileptic seizures are generally caused by abnormalities in the brain that cause numerous nerve cells to become activated at the same time, causing sudden and excessive bursts of electrical energy (University of Maryland Medical Centre, 2013). Epilepsy is characterized by unprovoked, recurrent seizures that can vary from person …show more content…
A seizure is defined as a sudden rush of electrical captivity in the brain, which can be generalized and affect the whole part of the brain or partial and only affect part of the brain (Pietrangelo, n.d.). Epilepsy Foundation says that “many people who are diagnosed with epilepsy are able to have more than one type of seizure, may also experience other signs and symptoms of neurological problems as well” (Para. 6). When someone experiences a mild seizure, it can be harder to recognize as there are no classic signs and …show more content…
Some of the signs and symptoms of this type of seizure include a blank stare into space, unconsciousness, and also completing repetitive movements without realizing it (Pietrangelo, n.d.). The other type of seizures one can have are called generalized seizures. These types of seizures include the whole brain, which can be broken up into six different types of categories. The first type of general seizure is referred to as an absence seizure. This type use to be referred to as “petit mal seizures,” which is described to cause a blank stare (Pietrangelo, n.d.). With this type of seizure, there can be a short loss of awareness, as well as sometimes causing a repetitive action such as lip smacking or blinking (Pietrangelo, n.d.). As per Health line, there can also be toxic seizures which cause muscle stiffness, and atomic seizures which can lead to uncontrolled muscle loss resulting in suddenly falling down (Pietrangelo, n.d.). There are also clonic seizures causing repeated or rhythmic, jerking muscle movements that generally affect the neck, face and arms, while myoclonic seizures cause sudden brief jerks of the arms or legs (Mayo Clinic Staff,

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