Crime Gang Violence Analysis

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Power drives the soul it can bring the good and the bad out of an individual. People fight, lie, cheat, kill, etc. just to rise in power. It is seen that there is a reputation hierarchy in all facets of life wherever you go. Even in the common neighborhood there is a social hierarchy that creates a feeling of imbalance where a certain group may hold most of the power in the community. In Urban neighborhoods and communities power lies within the hands of the residents not the government or law enforcement. In many cities in developing countries it may seem the government has forsaken certain neighborhoods that are deemed irrelevant or lack potential. Those areas are also known as ghettos, a slum area that is majority populated by minority groups. …show more content…
Gangs have proven to be highly territorial and go to the fullest extent to prevent any outsiders from taking over their turf. This is what leads to large scale gang violence and the increase of crime rate in urban communities. This takes place every where in the world not just in the United States. Gangs in order to rise to power strategically take control of a popular commodity and become the source/vendor of that commodity for a profit of choice. For the most part that commodity is drugs in urban slums, all over the world drugs are finding their way into the streets of even the smallest urban slums. The movie “City of God” touches on the gang related urban crime and drug issue that impacts the planning and development of a Brazilian slum community. The issue of urban crime and young gangs could be due to the absence government control, lack of education system, and inefficient socioeconomic support system to keep individuals off the …show more content…
The planning of community is a reflection of the government's efforts “The role of the federal government can be effectively considered only against the background of the process as a whole.” (Howard, p.637). Planning for a community starts with the government allocation of money and efforts into the community. To deal with population size and migration, communities are built in order to increase spacing of individuals. However when some communities are built they are left hanging by the government to fend for themselves because they find no use for them. Ghettos are often coined as a neighborhood/communities that are used to separate minorities from other ethnic groups. Urban communities are projects which can be compared to plants, both can not grow without someone to look after the health and promotion of it. The government leaves it to the people of the communities to fend for themselves and find a resolve for the present issues. As seen in the movie City of God slums with the lack of government influence and direction in return lack socio-economic stability and a systematic structure. Gangs see the opportunity for opportunity for control and power of their community with no intervention from any outside forces. In City of God the director portrays that in Brazilian slums gangs implement themselves into the community through force and violence. Eliminating any type

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