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62 Cards in this Set

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why is loss of appetite a concern
sign of flu or alcohol ingestion

pancreatic and liver cancer manifest first with anorexia
what group is most at risk for lactose intolerance
75% of blacks
90% of asians
pain timing pattern of gastric, duodenal and cholecystitis
gastirc-soon after eating
duodenal-2-3 hrs after eating
cholecystitis-pain usually at night 3-5 hours after meal
pain difference b/w obstruction of a viscus vs peritoneal irritation
obstruction-intermittent crampy pain
peritoneal-diffuse constant pain
significance of a rigid board like abdomen
indicate an acute abdomen
how to distinguish between food poisoning and appendicitis
both have nausea and vomiting, appendicitis also has a fever present
significance of discolored stool
black-suggest upper gi bleeding likely from ulcer
red-lower gi bleed, hemorrhoids
pale-foul smelling that floats,gallbladder
4 terms to describe abdominal contour
significance of purple striae on abdomen
significance of a prominent dialated abdominal vein
suspect portal hypertension and cirrosis
significance of a prominent pulsation of the abdominal aorta
hypertension or abdominal aortic aneurysm
significance of visible waves of peristalsis in the abdomen
suspect gastroenteritis or intestinal blockage
purpose of abdominal auscultations
check presence of bowel sounds and vascular bruits
bruits in abdomen suggest?
possible aneurysm
atherosclerotic plaque
significance of friction rubs over liver and spleen?
condition that cause inflammation of the membrane such as cancer or infection
significance of venous hum over periumbilical region
cirrhosis and portal hypertension
normal tone upon abdominal percussion
normal span of liver and midclavicular line
if liver enlargment, what follow up should be done
chem screen of liver enzymes
if pt pain, where should you start palpation?
most distant from area of complaint
which abdominal organs are normally palped during routine exam of healthy individual
large intestine
ab aorta
if ab mass is palped, what characteristics are recorded?
expected characteristics of normal lymph nodes of inguinal region
small movable soft nontender are norm
what is rovsings sign
rebound palpation of the llq creates rlq pain, typical of appendicitis
decreased pulse and BP in lower extremity suggest?
possibility of leaking abdominal aneurysm
what blood test for suspected pancreatitis?
amylase and lipase
what test is ordered if you suspect pregnancy
beta hcg
GERD stands for
gastroesophageal reflux disease
symptoms of GERD
bitter sour taste in mouth
what bacteria is involved with peptic ulcer disease
helicobacter pylori
what role does stress play in peptic ulcer disease
can suppress immune response
so bacteria can thrive
stress+h.pylori=peptic ulcer
what is obstipation
lack of bowel movement
what is Ileus
temporary arrest of intestinal peristalsis. can decrease bowel sounds. may result from peritoneal infection
what is mechanical intestinal obstruction
increase bowel sounds
signs and symptoms of appendicitis
initially dull periumbillical pain, pain becomes sharp
usual cause of pancreatitis
alcohol abuse
what is cullens sign
periumbilical ecchymosis, black and blue bruise
what is grey turners sign
flank eccymosis
dif between celiac and tropical sprue
celiac-glutten allergy cause inflammation of SI. manifest iron deficiency anemia
Tropical sprue- typically from s.e. asia or caribbean. macrocytic anemia. treated with high dose folic acid
m/c site for crohns
terminal ileum
m/c site for ulcerative colitis
colon and rectum
maifest a patchy cobblestone inflammation
50% of all visits to gastroenterologist characterized by diarrhea alternated with constipation
clinical dif between appendicitis vs diverticulitis
appendicitis-10-15 yrs, nausea,RLQ pain
diverticulitis-40yrs, LLQ pain
why does hepatitis often go undiagnosed
symptoms similar to flu,
palp findings for hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver cancer
hepatitis-liver tender and enlarged, but edge soft and smooth
cirrhosis-enlarged with smooth firm blunt edge
liver cancer-enlarged with hard irregular border
what type hepatitis transmits via fecal oral
usual cause of cirrhosis
lifetime of alcohol
cause of jaundice
liver with hepatitis, cirrohosis, cancer
most common liver cancer in US
metastatic 20X more than primary
m/c cause of acute ab pain in pts over 50
pain from cholecystitis often radiates
to thetip of right scapula
how common is colorectal cancer in relation to other forms of cancer
3rd leading cause in either sex
90% in ages over 50 yrs
how does colorectal carcinoma palpate?
rectal mass with rolled edges and an ulcerated center maybe palpable. about 50% of palpable lesions are malignant
term for vericose veins of the rectum
greater pain sensation, internal or external hemorrhoids?
how does a thromboses external hemorrhoid appear
small blue bulge that may bleed
significance of a skin tag at the rectum
suggest preciously healed external hemorrhoids
what is pilonidal cyst
"hair nest" hair becomes ingrown and can form a cyst
how does rectal prolapse appear upon inspections
moist red rosette
what is fistula
a tube like tract with one opening in the anal canal and the other usually in the perianal skin
what is anorectal abscess
a localized collection of pus resulting from bacterial invasion of the pararectal spaces, originiating in anintermuscular space into which an anal crypt has penetrated