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43 Cards in this Set

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first vertebrate

vertebrate chordates

animals with bony or cartilaginous endoskeleton

1. site for attachtment of muscle

2. protection of internal organ systems (rib cage)

vertebrate chordates

have unique type neural creast cells, 4th tissue type

1. cranium, teeth, sensory organs, canial nerves, and medulla of adrenal gland.

2. complex brains divided into three regions- forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain

what is missing in the vertebrate chordates?


five types of vertebrates






five types of vertebrates

craniatal- all

gnathostomata- all jaw

telostomi- jaw with bony skeleton

tetrapoda- jaw with bony skeleton and four legs

aminiota- jaw with bony skeleton and four legs and the aninotic eggs.

characteristics of a fish

gills rather than lungs for gaseous exchange.

1. some evolved a lung-like structure (lung fish)

characteristics of a fish

fins and streamlining for locomotion

characteristics of a fish

simple 2- chambered hearts

characteristics of a fish

both jawless and jawed condition

characteristics of a fish

bone, cartilage, bone, cartilage endoskeletons


hagfish and lampreys

1. no jaws or paired fins

2. hagfishs have no vertebre


first jawed vertebrates were fishes

1. chondrichthyes- sharks rays chimaras

2. skeletons composed of cartilage

3. electroreceptors

chondrichthyes includes flish with cartliaginous


4. actiinopterygii and sarcopterygii are fishes with bony endoskeletons.

shark reproduction

oviparous: lay eggs.

ovoviparous: eggs retained but nutrition from yolk, live birth.

viviparous: embryos derive nourishment via placental connection to mother, live birth.

other oddities:

trophic eggs- one eats other eggs provisioned by mother

intrauterine cannibalism- first to deplete yolk proceeds to eat siblings

Teleostomi(bony vertebrates)

96% of all living fishes

swim bladder or lung

operculum covering the gill

specialization the of jaws


ray-finned fish (fins supported by bony rays)

chondrosteans- have cartilage bone

teleosts- modern bony fish


fleshy-finned fish (lobed-finned fishes and lung fishes)

chondrostean ray-finned fishes (cartilage bone)

thick heavy scales for armor


lightweight scales for mobilty

homocercal tail for power

fin diversty

fin control of gasses in swim bladder

second set of pharyngeal jaws for chewing, grinding, crushing.

highest vertebrate diversty


lobed fins, lungs(in some forms), and other evidence indicate shared ancestor with tetrapods

tetrapods advancements for life on land

strong vertebral column and girdles- support against gravity

strong, stout limbs (two pair of limbs= tetrapods)- for crawling and support against gravity.

nostrils and internal lungs- respiration in air while resisting desiccation

tetrapods advancements for life on land

3 chamber heart- accommodated pulmonary circuit(lungs)

modified sensory systems- air different than water

class amphibia

the amphibians are the 1st chordates to invade land but many must return to water to reproduce.

amphibia characteristics

produce gelatinous eggs( not shelled)

must be laid in wet/moist habitats

most have aquatic larval stage stage w/ gills

metamorphosis to terrestrial adult w/ lung

3 chambered heart for pulmonary gas exchange

amphibia characteristic

thin, naked, vascularized skin (no scales)

must be kept moist

many w/ defensive skin glands

amphibian diversity

anurans(frogs and toads)

urodels (salamanders and newts)

apodans (caeciliars)

amniotic egg

maintaining the pond inside

adaptations allows amniotes to live a

fully terrestrial life

what does that include?

reptiles, birds, and mammals

characteristics of reptiles

many lay shelled eggs (first amniotes)

some more modern reptiles give live birth

thickened keratinized skin of overlapping scales

water resistant for living in dry environments

3 chambered heart (crodilians have 4)

characteristics of reptiles

metanephritic kidney

excrete (waste as uric acid to conserve water)

reptile diversity






class aves

the birds

characteristics of birds

1.various modifications for flight

hollow bones, feathers

2.respiratory and cirulary system modifield for endothermic metabolism and active lifestyles

complex lungs, 4-chambered heart

3. reproduction

long distance migration common (maternal care of younh

characteristics of birds

1. foraging

highly variable beak

bird diversty

raven generalized bill

cardinal seed cracker

american avocet worm burrow probe

anhinga fish spear

eagle meat tearer

pelican dip neat

parrot nut cracker

flamingo mud sifter

class mammalia

class mammalia

characteristics of mammals


respiratory and cirulatory system specialized for endothermic metabolism

4 chambered heart, complex lung

characteristics of mammals


great variation in dentition (teeth)


extensive materal care, mammary glands

variable reproductive modes

large and complex brain

hair and modification

spines (porcupine and echidra)

vicrissae (whiskers) for tactile sensation

baleen of whales for filter feeding

carbohydrates (sugars)

grouped into mono, di, and polysaccharides

important as:

a quick energy source


storage of energy- glycogen

structural support- chitin of arthropods and cellulose of plants


highest energy density of all organic molecule

important as:
long-term energy stores

structural components of cells (membranes)

protective waxes (waxy outer covering incests )

hormones (steriods)


made of amino acids

20 diff. aa combine in different ways to make perhaps 100,000 different proteins

important as:

energy fuel

enzymes (pepsin,maltase, lipase)

structural proteins: cell membrane contractile proteins (actin and myosin)