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56 Cards in this Set

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T/F All blood from lower extremities drains into the IVC.
False. The azygous vein drains the lumbars into the SVC
Pulmonary artery carries _____ blood, and the umbilical artery carries _____ blood.
BOTH carry DEoxygenated blood. Only 2 exceptions to the rule.
In the lungs, the blood is oxygenated via the _____ effect.
Pulmonary vein carries _____ blood, and the umbilical vein carries _____ blood.
BOTH carry Oxygenated. Only 2 exceptions to the rule
__% of hemoglobin is saturated with O2
What is the Bohr Effect (in the lungs)?
CO2 diffuses from the blood to the alveoli. This reduces blood CO2 levels, along with the H+ ion concentration. This increases the quantity of O2 that binds to hemoglobin, allowing more O2 to tissues (SORRY)
P-wave is known as what?
Atrial DEpolarization
P-R interval is known as what?
Isovolumic contraction
What is special about the purkinje system in the ventricle?
it's 400x faster than any other neurons in the heart
Why is the purkinje system in the ventricle 400x faster than any other neurons in the heart?
uses intercalated discs and gap junctions
What prevents the AV valves from blowing back during ventricular contration?
Chordae tendonae + papillary muscles
T-wave is also known as what?
Ventrcular repolarization
S-T segment is also known as what?
Isovolumic relaxation (no blood in ventricles; valves closed)
When looking at an EKG, what signifies an MI?
inverted T-wave, or altered S-T segment
What does an inverted T-wave or altered S-T segment mean in an EKG?
In an EKG, prevention of heart tetany is from what?
Slow Calcium channels (AKA Long absolute refractory period, AKA Plateaus)
What characteristic of the heart allows it to beat on its own?
Autorhythmicity (AKA automatic conductivity)
Autorhythmicity is AKA what?
automatic conductivity
Heart can beat on its own due to what?
leaky NA channels
By looking at an EKG, what signifies a primary heart block?
elongated PR interval
What is Winkbocks phenomena?
secondary heart block. Elongation of PR interval until the atria have contracted twice
By looking at an EKG, how can you tell a complete block?
no relationship between P and QRS. (all random)
What is the m/c/c of CHF?
2nd m/c/c?
Essential hypertension (35-55). 2nd = aortic stenosis
What happens when blood backs up in the left ventricle?
ventricular hypertrophy
What happens when blood backs up into left atrium and the lungs?
pulmonary edema/hypertension. Exertional dyspnea (difficulty breathing on mild exertion)
What is the m/c/c of R sided heart failure?
L-sided heart failure
Is it possible to have isolated R-sided heart failure? (not as a result from L-sided failure)
Yes. It's called Cor Pulmonale. Must result from a lung condition (emphysema, pnewumonia, etc.)
What is isolated R-sided heart failure known as?
Cor Pulmonale
How can you tell when you have blood backed up into the SVC?
pulsation of the jugular veins
How can you tell when you have blood backed up into the IVC?
Blood backs up into legs and liver
What happens when blood backs up into the internal iliacs?
it will eventually go to the pudendal area, and you will get the "bag of worms" (varicocele)
What happens when blood backs up into the external iliacs?
eventually backs up in the femoral vein and then the Great saphenous vein on the medial side of the foot, or the small/lesser saphenous on the lateral side of the foot
What vein is the longest vein and used for coronary bypass?
great saphenous
What is the sign of early stages of CHF?
Exertional dyspnea (difficulty breathing with mild exertion)
What is the sign of later stages of CHF?
pitting edema of legs (greater and lesser saphenous veins)
When blood gets backed up into the liver, it can cause _____
The portal vein is made up of what 2 veins?
Superior Mesenteric and Splenic (AKA LINEAL)
What is the Splenic vein AKA?
Lineal vein
m/c/c of liver failure
Alcoholism can lead to what syndrome?
What is the 1st heard sound?
AV valves closing
What is the 2nd heart sound?
semilunars closing
What is the 3rd heart sound? What person is it ok to hear this on?
ventricular filling (AKA ventricular gallop). Normal in children; abnormal in adults
What is the 4th heart sound? What person is it ok to hear this on.
atrial gallop. normal in atheletes, abnormal in others.
During diastole, what regurgitation/stenosis are heard? What about in systole?
ARMS & PRTS. AR (aortic regurgitation), MS (mitral stenosis), PR (pulmonic regurgitation), TS (tricuspid stenosis). ***FLIP 2nd WORD FOR SYSTOLE!!
What is the largest layer of a blood vessel?
tunica muscularis (...because of muscle)
What blood vessels irrigate other blood vessels?
vaso vasorum
For blood vessels, greatest pressure in ______. Greatest resistance in _____. Greatest cross sectional area in _____.
Largest artery
Coronary arteries dilate/constrict due to what?
metabolic demand. NOT SYMPATHETICS
Universal donor? Universal recipient?
Carotid sinus afferent/efferent?
What are the 4 things that happen in Tetrology of Fallot?
1. Dextropostion of Aorta (comes off right ventricle so deoxygenated blood gets pumped through the body)
2. Right ventricular hypertrophy
3. Interventricular septal defect
4. Pulmonary stenosis
What are the 3 signs of Marfan's syndrome?
1. heart defects, dissecting aneurysm
2. subluxation of lens of eye, tall stature
3. long spider-like fingers (arachnodactaly)
What valve is destroyed by Rheumatic fever?
Describe Rheumatic fever. (4 key points)
1. strep pyogenes
2. makes Aschoff bodies
3. affects mitral valve
4. Group A, B-Hemolytic strep
m/c benign tumor of the heart?