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31 Cards in this Set

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___ is the manifestation of the shen
intelligence is the manifestation of the shen
what is the shen in charge of
processing sensory and intuitive info and supervision of mind/body rxns to it
name all yin yang pairs and their corresponding pathologies
HT/SI- Fire/Heat
LU/LI- Descending fluids/Qi dynamic
LV/GB- Qi circulation/DH
SP/ST- Qi xu/Stag
KD/UB- Qi/Yang xu
T/F if the heart flares the 5 zang and 6 fu are affected?
T- bc HT is the Emperor of all zang fu
HT transfer ___ to SI
SI ___ can result in HT s/s
HT transfers Fire to SI
SI HEat can result in HT S/s
SI can transfer pathology to which other organ, what is their connection?
SI can transfer fire to UB
connected through Tai Yang
what are fire s/s related to HT?
thirst, mouth/tongue ulvers, insomnia, red face, bitter taste, agitation, restless
what are heat s/s related to SI?
dark scanty urine, painful/bloody urine, deafness, throat pain, tongue ulcer, heat in chest, ab pain, thirst
LV is in charge of ____
GB is in charge of ____
LV_ Planning/strategy
GB_Decision making
describe the hun
seld awareness and self control
how can anger/frustration affect LV/GB?
cause stag, heat, fire
s/s irritable, bitter taste, thrist, HA, hypochondriac pain
Can the SP QI affect the LV/BGB?
yes- SP Qi xu cuases damp, DH in LV/GB
s/s fever, jaundice, vag discharge, genital problems, digestive problems
the function of this organ is to take in new ideas for the mind and new life for the spirit
what is the function of the LI?
dispose mental and spiritual waste
describe PO
body's reactive instinct
anus aka ___
Po Gate- intimate relationship between LU LI
what emotions causes LU QI xu, disrupting descending functions and causing qi stag in the LI

what are s/s
sadness and worry

spasmatic ab pain, constipation with bitty stool/diarrhea alternating
a disharmony of which yin yang pair can cause cough/asthmatic breathing?
Heat in LI - disrupts LU Qi dynamic
describe Yi
ability to think and remember
how does damp affect SP/ST relationship
-lack t/t
-disrupts ST descending fnxn
what is the primary s/s that appears due to heat/dryin ST
poor appetite, vomit clear fluids, loose stool, tired appears with what patholgoy?
SP Yang Xu -> St xu cold
what s/s are a result of cold invading the SP ST?
epigastric pain, feel cold, vomit clear fluid
describe Zhi?
function of memory
KD/UB are in charge of
Will Power (jing)
UB Qi transformation is controlled by ___
what are the s/s of pathology?
KD Yang controls UB Qi transformation/open/close

xs or inhibited urination, frequent urination, nocturia
KD water causes ____
what are the s/s
KD yin xu /KD Water

inhibited urination
what controls the open/close function of the UB?
UB Qi transformation is controlled by ___
what are the s/s of pathology?
KD Yang controls UB Qi transformation/open/close

xs or inhibited urination, frequent urination, nocturia
KD water causes ____
what are the s/s
KD yin xu /KD Water

inhibited urination
what controls the open/close function of the UB?