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77 Cards in this Set

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What causes Tan Yin/Damp Phlegm syndromes?
yang xu and failure of T/T causes damp accumulation in the MJ (ST, intestines)
slippery and wiry pulse is associated with which yin retention sydrome?
tan yin- damp phlegm- Phlgm Rheum
(wind phlgm)
Pale tongue with a white greasy coat is associated with whcih yin retention syndrom?
tan yin-damp phlgm (pale bc xu, greasy bc damp)
what is the tx principle for a tan yin-damp phlegm syndrome?
warm yang and transform damp
what is a distinguishing s/s of tan yin-damp phlegm syndrome?
borborygmus, vomit thick fluids, no thirst, palpitations

abd fullness poor appetite, chest/hypochindriac distention, dizzy, SOB, loose stool
what causes xiang yin-phlgm fluid in hypochondrum?
retention in chest/pleura due to lack of T/T and flow down to ribside
what is the pulse diagnosis for xiang yin-phlgm fluid in hypochondrum?
deep-organ level
what is the tx principle for xiang yin-phlgm fluid in hypochondrum?
expel water retention
what causes Yi Yin-plegm fluid in the limbs?
external pathogen- wc- damages the organs especially LU - disrupts d/d- causes skin edema
what are some distinguishing s/s of yi yin-plegm fluid in the limbs?
whole body swelling, no sweat, chills/fever simultan, scanty urine, cough w clear sputum, heavy painful swollen limbs
which yin retention syndrom has a superficial/tight pulse?
yi yin-plegm fluid in the limbs
what is the tx principle for yi yin-plegm fluid in the limbs?
release exterior, warm yang, promote urination, transform damp
what is the cause of Zhi Yin-phlgm fluids above the diaphragm- propping rheum?
SEVERE water accumulation in the chest and lungs
which yin retention symdrome has a wiry/tight pulse?
Zhi Yin-phlgm fluids above the diaphragm
what are some distinguishing s/s of Zhi Yin-phlgm fluids above the diaphragm?
copius white sputum, chronic facial edema aggravated by cold, rapid breathing, sob, inability to lie down, may be accompanied by an exterior pattern
what is the tx for Zhi Yin-phlgm fluids above the diaphragm?
drain LU, expel phlgm, release exterior
both ___ and ___ yin retention syndromes may require you to release the xterior as part of the tx
yi yin-phlgm fluid in the limbs
Zhi Yin-phlgm fluids above the diaphragm
what do all yin retntion syndromes have in common?
white greasy tongue coat

(tan yin-also pale)
yang edema affects ____ part of the body
yin edema affects ____ part of the body
yang edema- upper body
yin edema-lower body, limbs, ascites
Yang edema is ____
Yin edema is ___

exterior or interior?
yang edema-exterior-lu/yang qi xu- WC disrupts d/d

yin-interior-not enough fire-SP/KD yang xu
what are some distinguishing s/s for yang edema?
quick onset, upper body edema (Face/Hands) chills/fever, heavy pain in joints, scanty urine
what pulse characterizes yang edema?
superficial, tight, weak
what tongue is characteristic of yang edema?
pale, thin white coat
The tx for yang edema is ___
The tx for yin edema is ___
yang edema-tonify LU Qi/release exterior

yin edema-tonify SP/KD yang
what are some distinguishing s/s for yin edema?
ascites(SP) edema in limbs, lower body, legs, ankles (KD), chest/abdomen oppression, muzzy head, dizzy
what is the pulse for yin edema?
slippery, wiry
what does the tongue look like for yin edema
swollen- sticky white coating
what causes non-pitting edema?
qi stagnation and dampness -> non pitting edema
__ create stabbing pain

__ create distending pain that moves
Blood Stag causes fixed stabbing pain

Qi Stag causes distending pain that moves
what condition is worse with exertion?
Qi Xu
thready and weak puslses are associated with what kinds of conditions?
xu conditions
qi, blood,

jin ye xu- thready, rapid
dry phlgm- tready rapid or thready rapid slippery
wiry pulses are associated with what kinds of conditions?
Qi stagnation
what pulses may be found wiht a collapse of qi and blood?
thready, weak, forceless
blood stag often causes the pulse to be _____
Fine, Rough/Hesitant/Choppy
If a px has blood heat conditions they often experience a fever especially at this time...
night time-yin time
How does qi stag often affect the appearance of the tongue?
toungue-normal or slighlty red sides (due to longerterm stag)
Bleeding can be cause by XS or XU?
Qi xu- not holding
XS-heat in blood
a pale tongue can appear under what kinds of conditions?
Qi xu
Blood xu/loss
Collapse of qi/blood
yang edema
Cold Phlgm
SP LV and KD yin xu can all be causes of which kind of phlegm syndrome?
wind phlegm
caused by internal wind -LV wind + phlgm
diet-fatty greasy sweet foods
sp, lv, kd yin xu
a wiry and slippery pulse may be felt with ___ phlgm
wind phlegm
(tan yin- fluid is ST intestines)
distinguishing features of wind phelgm are
stroke/coma/convulsions, blurry vision, dizzy, hyoertonicity of limbs, gurgling sound in throat, deviated tonue, mouth, eyes, paralysis, convulsions, lack of consciousness, blurry, numbness
if you px has suffered a stroke, due to wind phlgm how will their tongue appear?
greasy white coat
what is the tx principle for wind phlgm?
dispel wind, eliminate phlgm, unblock chnnls, open orifices
nausea can be caused by phlegm obstucting the descending fnxn of the ST- and is a possible symptom for which phlegm syndromes?
Heat, Cold, Damp Phlgm
Tan Yin
with heat phlegm - the color is ___ and it is ___ to expectorate

with damp phlgm- the color is ___ and is __ to expectorate
Heat Phlgm- yellow, difficult to expectorate

Damp Phlgm- sticky, white, profuse, easy to expectorate
which syndromes has copius sputum/phlgm with cough?
damp phlgmp- sticky/white

zhi yin-phlgm fluid above the diaphrgm- white
this condition is caused by hyperactivity of the Yang Qi
Heat Phlgm- hyper yang qi with damp accumulation
what causes heat phlgm?
external wind that travels interior or hyper yang qi with damp accummulation
what does the tongue look like for a px with heat phlgm?
red, yellow greasy tongue coat
defining s/s if heat phlegm are...
FEVER, cough w yellow phlgm difficult to expectorate, sore throat, chest pain, restless, thirst, scandy dark urine, dry stool, nausea, red face, dry mouth
which phlegm syndrome causes a slippery rapid pulse?
heat phlgm
this phlgm condition can be caused by yang xu
cold phlgm- external pathogen cold that travels interioir or yang xu with damp accumulation
which syndrom has a deep, slippery and slow pulse?
cold phlgm
this phlgm syndrome has a pale tongue with white freasy coat
cold phlgm
what are some distinguishing s/s of cold phlgm?
cold lims, aversion to cold, prefer warmth, cough with clear/thin/white phlgm, bland taste, no thirst, clear/copious untination, loose stool, chest oppression, nausea
this syndrome can cause a bland taste in the mouth
cold phlgm
this syndrom causes a sticky taste in the mouth
damp phlgm
this syndrome can cause loose stools with incomplete feeling
damp phglm
what syndrome accompanies a puffy tongue with white/greasy/sticky coat
damp phlgm

yin edema- swollen tonue w/white sticky coat)
what is the pulse characteristic of damp phlgm?
what causes damp phlgm?
damp accumulation impeding SP t/t
what are some distinguishing characteristics of damp phlgm?
profuse/sticky/white/phlgm easy to expectorate, chest/abdomen oppresion, nausea, sticky taste in mouth, no thrist, heaviness, no appetite, loose incomplete feeling stools
what is the cause of dry phlgm?
summer heat dryness fire
these phlgm syndromes have phlgm that is difficult to expectorate
dry phlgm, heat phlgm
chest pains that are aggravated by cough are characteristic of which syndrone?
dry phglm
this syndrme has a red tongue that is dry or has a scanty coat
dry phglm
the pulse of this phlgm syndrome can be thready and rapid
dry phlgm or thready slippery rapid
a px may have phlegm with streaks of blood with this syndrome
dry phlgm
this phglm syndrome is aggravated by emotional problems and stress
qi phlgm
this syndrome is greatly associated with lv qi stag
qi phlgm
this pulse is liekly to feel wiry
qi phlgm

Wind Phlgm- Slippery/wiry
Tan Yin- slippery/wiry
WInd Phlgm- slippery/wiry
Xuang Yin- Deep/wiry
Zhi Yin- tight/wiry
a px with this syndrome may have chest and abdomen oppression adn have difficulty swallowing
qi phlgm
how will the tongue look in a person that has qi phglm?
thin white coat and possibly red sides
list the places where non substantial phlgm is likely to occur (5)
under skin
in chnnls
misting the heart
in GB/KD
what is the primary manifestion of phlgm in the chnnls
numbness- common in elderly and windtroke
this can cause bone deformities - especailly in chronic RA
phlgm in the joints
this syndrome can cause pain in the testes
si qi pain