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56 Cards in this Set

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the ST controls ___________, aka ________
Controlls Rotting and Ripening of food(r/r) aka The Bubbling Cauldron
St is the origin of ___
SP is the Origin of__________
ST- origin on fluids
SP origin of Birth and Dvlpmnt
what is the relationship between ST/KD and why is it important
KD is the Gate of the ST
tgthr they transform fluids in the lower burner- if kd fnctn is impaired fluids stagnate and flow up toward ST and impair digestion

ST yin xu -> KD yin xu
what functns does the ST control?
transportation of food essence
decnding of Qi
how does the ST affect the Tongue and Pulse?
ST qi ensures that the QI of all organs reaches the pulse- rough pulse=ST Qi xu

Transportation of food essence/fluids is closely related to the tongue coat
where is food essence transported to
SP/ST transport food essence to the whole body especially the limbs
what functn of the ST aids digestion?
decnding function- downward mvt through the intestines
ST easily suffers from xu or xs?
what is commonly affected by such conditions
xs such as fire or phlgm fire
agitates the mind -> Mental Symptms - shut oneself inthe house, close all windows and doors, wanting to be alone, uncontrolled laughing/singing/talking, violent/manic behavior, taking off one's clothes, hypomania, hyperactivity, anxiety, mental confusion
what is the relationship between SP/ST
opposites r/r vs t/t
what aspect of Qi doese the SP control
controls raising of QI
what is the SP relationship with blood?
produces Qi and blood and
Controls blood (Qi) by holding the blood in the vessels
must tonify SP when tonifying blood
this organ has a function that prevents atrophy
SP - controls the muscles and 4 limbs - extracts food qi and nourished all tissues in the body
where does the SP open to?

Where does the SP manifest?
OPens to mouth - contributes to taste

Manifets on Lips
What tastes may occur if there is impairment of the SP?
bland, sticky, sweet (heat)
which direction of Qi does the SP contorl? why is this important?
Controls Raising of Qi- holds all organs in place, ascnds clear yang qi to LU/HT
The SP houses the _____

What does this influence
Thought - Yi
influences capacity of thinking, studying, concenetrating, focusing, memorizing

SP/HT-think about problems, long term memory
SP/KD-nourish brain, short term memory, everyday life
SP loathes ________
what are some causes of SP Qi Xu?
irregular diet, xs/not enough eating, lack protein, xs thinking, cold/raw food, damp exposure, long term illness
your px is an analyst, and she comes to you bc she always feels tired, and wants to lies down. after intake you find that she has a poor appetite with distention after eating, loose stools and feels weak, you notice her complexion is sallow and her eyes are tearing.

what is the diagnosis and tx?
SP Qi xu

tonify SP
what tongue and pulse are associated with SP Qi Xu
T-pale thin white coat
P-weak empty
tearing of the eyes is a symptom of what pattern?
SP Qi Xu
what can cause SP yang xu
long term qi xu, cold/damp environment, ice cold drinks/food, KD yang Xu
your px has cocks crow diarrhea, edema, abdominal distention, lassitdues, and clear vaginal discharge
Her pulse is deep/weak/slow
Her Tongue is Pale/moist/puffy

waht is the diagnosis and tx?
SP Yang Xu

Tonify and warm SP yang
what causes SP Qi Sinking?
Weakness post illness, overstrain, standing for long hours, irregular diet, mental strain, cold/raw foods
your px is depressed has a pale complexn, weak limbs, frequent and urgent urination, and menorragiah,
Tongue is pale
P is weak
what is the Dx and Tx?
Sp Qi Sinkning,

tonify Sp Qi and Raise Qi
what are some causes of SP not controlling the blood?
irreg diet, xs thinking, cold/raw foods, exposure to damp, prolonged illness, overstrain
your px is depressed and has a sallow complexn, she has blood in her stools and urine. her tongue is pale, and her pulse is thready and weak

what is the diagnosis and tx?
Sp not controlling the blood

tonify SP Qi and stop bleeding
can emotions cause yin xu?
what is the tongue and pulse for SP Yin xu?

what is the tx?
t- red, scanty coat
p- thready, rapid, rough

Nourish SP, harmoninze the MJ
what are s/s of SP yin xu?
emaciation, weakness, no appetite w/o desire, abd distention after eating, dry lips/mouth, 5 cnnt hear, yellow urine, dry stool
joint pain, insomnia, depression and thin body are s/s associated with what pattern?

what is the tx?
Sp Blood Xu

poor appetite, sl ab distention after eating, tired, lassitude, dull/pale complxn, weak limbs, loose stool, deprssn, scanty/amenorrhea

TX- tonify SP Qi, nourish blood
what Tongue and Pulse are associated with SP Blood Xu
T- pale, thin, sl dry
P- choppy, thready
your px feels heavy. she feels cold in her abdmn and epigastrium, and she has white vaginal discharge. Her complexion is dull white and her pulse is moderate and soggy.
what is the diagnosis
what do you expect her tongue to look like
what is the tx?
SP Damp Cold
T- greasy thick white coat
Resolve damp, expel cold
Your px has loose stools with a foul smell, a dull yelllow complexion and oily sweat. She has a bitter taste in the mouth too
her tongue is red w a greasy yellow coat
what is the diagnosis and tx
SP Damp heat
Resolve Damp , clear heat
constant lo grade fever and oily sweat are associated with what pattern?
SP Damp Heat
constant lo fever bc damp traps heat inside
Epigastric pain is associated with ____
Abdominal pain is associated with ____
Epigastric - ST
Abdominal - SP
fatigue especially in the morning is associated with ___
mono can cause ___
what are s/s of this pattern?
epigastric fullness/distention, belching, loose stool, no desire to eat/drink, no taste

TX- strengthn St Qi
ST XU Cold is closely associated with ____. what are some causes
Similar to Yang Xu
cold diet, lack of protein, exterior cold, constitutional SP/ST yang xu, illness, xs cold herbs
epigastric pain that is worse after a BM is associated with __. what are some other key s\s
ST Xu Cold- epigastric pain that feels better after easting and with warmth, refluc of clear fluids, no appetite/thirst. desire for warm food/drink. weak limbs, fatigue, pale/bright white complexion

t-pale moist puffy
p-deep waek slow
what is the tx for ST Xu Cold?
tonify/warm ST/SP Qi/Yang
your px had a cold with a high fever and now she is on antibiotics. she has a dull/burning epigastric pain, dry retching and no desire to eat
Her tongue is red with no coat
what is the diagnosis and tx?
ST Yin Xu
Nourish St Yin, generate fluids
what causes ST qi stag?
LV Qi Stag, eating in a hurry, worry/upset while eating, anger, frustration
what are the tongue and pulse like for ST Qi Xu

what is the tx?
t- normal or red side in severe cases
p- wiry

move the St Qi, eliminate stag, descnd ST Qi
sour regurg, desire for cold drinks, xs hunger, constipation, bleeding gums, vomit after eating are all s/s of ___. what other s/s would occur if there was phlgm also?
ST Fire
Phlgm Fire - stools with mucus, insomnia, less thrist, expectorate phlgm, greasy yellow/black coat, slippery, slippery,rapid,overflowing pulse
what is the tx for ST fire and Phlgm Fire?
Drain St Fire, Descnd St Qi - resolve phlgm
cold invading the ST is longterm or acute?

what are the s/s?
sever ab pain, feel cold, vomit clear fluids esp after cold fluids. likes warmth

t-thick white coat
p-deep tight slow
what is the TX for Cold invading the ST?
expel cold, warm ST, descnd ST Qi
What causes Rebel St Qi?
Emotions causing LV to invade ST, irreg diet, eating while upset/hurry/working. qi stag
what is the tongue and pulse for rebel ST Qi

what is the tx?
t- no change
p- tight or wiry

tx-subdue/descnd rebel qi
facial pain wth thick nasal dischage, sticky taste in mouth, dull yellow complxn, epigastric fullness are all s/s of ___
what is the t/p/tx?
ST Damp Heat
t- red, sticky yellow coat
p- slippery rapid
tx- clear heat, resolve damp, descnd ST Qi
this pattern is especially common in babies and children
Food Retention -
also overeating, eaet in hurry/worry, SP/ST qi xu, unclean food
epigastric pain relieved by vomit, sour regurg/vomit, foul breath, insomnia, loose stools or constipation are s/s if ___

what are t/p/tx?
Food Retention
T-thick white or yellow coat
P-full, slippery
TX-resolve food stag, descnd ST Qi
what causes ST blood Stasis?
Qi Stag, Heat or Cold
vomiting of food that looks like coffee grounds is associated with ____
what are some other s/s?
ST Blood Stasis
severe stabbing epigastric pain, worse with heat/pressure, vomit dark blood, bloody stool, nausea

t- purple/purple spots
P- wiry, choppy
invigorate blood, eliminate stasis and descnd qi is the tx for which pattern?
ST Blood Stasis