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41 Cards in this Set

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the cranial part of the foregut, (the pharyngeal gut), develops into ____ and ____ structures.
head and neck
the pharyngeal gut (cranial part of the foregut) is made up of what 3 layers?
-the endodermal tube- internally
-medoderm and nnc that develop into mesenchyme
-ectoderm- externally
during which weeks are the pharyngeal arches, pharyngeal clefts, and pharyngeal pouches formed?
4th week
the __________ ____ are 6 pairs of swellings
the pharyngeal arches

-the 5th degenerates
the _________ ____ are external surface grooves between the pharyngeal arches
the pharyngeal clefts
mesenchyme is formed from _______ and ___
mesoderm and NCC's
mesoderm vs NCC become what, eventally in the head and neck area
mesoderm- ob. m. in vascular tissues
NNC- bones of face, part of thymus, thyroid...
within each pharyngeal arch is are the following: an artery, nerve, cartilage, and muscle.

what do these become?
artery- aortic arch
nerve- cranial nerve
cartilage- bones and ligaments (from NCC's)
muscle- muscular components (from mesoderm) migrate adn carry cranial n. with them
what skeletal structure, muscular structures and nerves come from the 1st pharyngeal arch?
sk: mandibular (meckle's) cartilage: Malleus and Incus
mm: mm of mastecation, mylohyoid, ant. belly of digastric, tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini mm
nn: mandibular division of trigeminal nerve (V3)
the _______ ____ ate between the pharyngeal arches within the pharyngeal gut (internally) (endoderm)
pharyngeal pouches
T/F -The mandible does NOT come from the 1st pharyngeal arch.
what skeletal structure, muscular structures and nerves come from the 2nd pharyngeal arch?
sk: Reichart's Cartilage: stapes, styloid process of temporal bone, lesser horn of hyoid bone, superior body of hyoid bone, stylohyoid lig.
mm: mm of facial expresssion, stapedius, stylohyoid, posterior belly of digastic mm
n: Facial n. (VII)
what skeletal structure, muscular structures and nerves come from the 3rd pharyngeal arch?
sk. struct: greater horn of the hyoid bone, inferior body of hyoid bone
m: stylopharyngeus m.
n: glossopharyngeal n. (IX)
what skeletal structure, muscular structures and nerves come from the 4th pharyngeal arch?
sk. st.: laryngeal cartilages
mm: pharyngeal constrictors mm, levator veli palatini m., cricothyroid m
n: vagus (X)--> superior laryngeal n.
what skeletal structure, muscular structures and nerves come from the 5th pharyngeal arch?
NOTHING... it degenerates
what skeletal structure, muscular structures and nerves come from the 6th pharyngeal arch?
sk. st.: laryngeal cartilages
mm: intrinsic mm of larynx
n. vagus (X) --> recurrent laryngeal nn.
the vocal folds form between which 2 pharyngeal arches?
4 & 6 (superior and inferior thyroid cartilages)
there are ___ pairs of pharyngeal arches, ___ pairs of pharyngeal clefts, and ____ pairs of pharyngeal pouches
6 arches, 4 clefts, and 4 pouches
which cleft deepens to give rise to the external acoustic meatus?
1st pharyngeal cleft
the 2nd pharyngeal cleft outgrows the 3rd and 4th arches to enclose the 2nd, 3rd, anf 4th clefts into a temporarily formed cavity called the ________ _______
cervical sinus
what do each of the 4 pharyngeal pouches form?
1st- laterally = tympanic cavity & medially = auditory tube
2nd- palatine tonsil
3rd- dorsal = inferior parathyroid gland
ventral = thymus
4th- dorsal = superior parathyroid glans
ventral = ultimobranchial body (associated with the parafollicular cells of the thyroid)
what is the ultimobranchial bodies significance as it forms from the 4th pharyngeal pouch?
it migrates caudally to incorporate into the thyroid gland and its parafollicular cells that are dispersed throughout and secrete calcitonin
the anterior 2/3 of the tongue forms from which phar. arch?
the posterior 1/3 of the tongue forms from which phar. arch?
the extreme posterior tongue and epiglottis are formed by which phar. arch?
the 2nd phar arch forms which part of the tongue?
the anterior 2/3 of the tongue are formed from __ distal tongue bud(s) and ___ medial tongue bud(s); which outgrow which?
2 distal tongue buds (lateral lingual swellings)
1 medial tongue bud (tuberculum impar)

distals outgrow medial and fuse
the _____ _____ forms at the most posterior part of the tuberculum impar of the 1st arch
foramen cecum
general sensory for the anterior 2/3 of tongue is done by ________, and taste sensation is done by ___________.
general sensory: Lingual n. (V3)
taste: chorda tympani
the posterior 1/3 of the tongue has general sensation from the ______________ and taste sensation from ___________
glossopharyngeal n. (IX) does both general sensory and taste sensation for posterior 1/3 of tongue
the extreme posterior portion of tongue and epiglottis have general sensory innervations by _______
vagus n. (X)
the ________ gland is derived form a median endodermal thickening on teh floor of the pharynx
thyroid; it migrates caudally and maintains connection with pharynx via the thyroglossal duct
the 2 lobes of the thyroid are separated by an ______ and sometimes there is a 3rd ________ lobe

pyramidal lobe
what is the final position of the thyroid in reference to the trachea and remnants?
the thyroid ends up anterior to the trachea, the thyroglossal duct, in theory, degenerates, and the foramen cecum in the tongue is a remnant of the thyroid's descent.
CC: Branchial cyst
-embryological explanation
-abnormality: spherical cyst along the anterior border of the SCM m.
-emb: cervical sinus fails to obliterate
-clinical: increase in size due to fluid and cellular debris
-treatment: surgical removal
CC: Branchial fistula
-ab: open tract from the pharynx to the lateral surface of the neck
-emb: persistence of the 2nd pharyngeal cleft & the 2nd pharyngeal pouch that merge during development
-clinical: discharge of fluid from the neck and infection
-treat: surgically remove
CC: Thyroglossal duct cyst
ab: cyst forming anywhere along thyroglossal duct
-emb: thyroglossal duct fails to degenerate
-clinical: swelling long midline of neck and infection
-treat: surgical removal of the cyst and other remnants of the duct
CC: First arch syndrome
-2 manifestations
-emb: insufficient migration of ncc
1) Treacher-Collins syndrome
2) Pierre-Robin syndrome
CC: Treacher-Collins syndrome

a first arch syndrome

-NCC fail to migrate into first arch completely; malformed ears
CC: Pierre-Robin syndrome

a first arch syndrome

-underdevelopment of mandible
-cleft palate
-glossoptosis (posterior placement of the tongue)
CC: DiGeorge Syndrome
ab: thymic aplasia/absence of parathyroid glands
emb: failure of 3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouches to differencitate into thymus and parathyroid gland
clinically: immunologic problems, hypocalecemia, microgathia (small jaw), cardiovascular defects (persistent truncus arteriosis- atrial septum normally needs ncc to separate into aorta and pulmonary a.)