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39 Cards in this Set

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the pharynx communicates with 7 cavities in the head:
2 nasal cavities (choanae)
1 oral cavity (fossae)
1 espohagus
1 larynx
2 tympanic cavity (auditory tubes)
there are 3 pharyngeal constrictor mm.

I/O A & N
superior, middle, posterior pharyngeal constrictor mm

I: median raphe of pharynx
A: constrict pharynx while swallowing
N: vagus n. (X)
Stylopharyngeus m.

O: styloid process of temporal bone
I: passes between the superior and middle constrictors and inserts on the thyroid cartilage
A: elevates pharynx
N: glossopharyngeal n. (IX)
Salpingopharyngeus m.

O: posterior portion of the auditory tube
I: blends in with the fibers of the palatopharyngeus and constrictor mm.
A: elevates pharynx
N: vagus (X)
Palatopharyngeus m.

O: posterior part of hard palate, soft palate
I: blends with musculature of pharynx and inserts on thyroid cartilage
A: elevates pharynx
N: vagus (X)
name the 3 mm's that originate on the styloid process of the temporal bone
stylohyoid, stylopharyngeus, and styloglossus mm.
the superior, middle, and inferior portions of the pharynx have different innervations. name what innervated them.
1) superior: branches of maxillary division of trigeminal n. (V2)
2) middle: glossopharyngeal n. (IX)
3) inferior: vagus (X)
5 branches from 3 main arteries supply the pharynx, name them.
1) external carotid: ascending pharyngeal
2) maxillary: descending palatine and pharyngeal aa.
3) facial: ascending palatine and tonsillar aa.
name the 3 divisions of the pharynx
what division of the pharynx contains the following:
pharyngeal ostium of the auditory tube, torus tubarius, salpingopharyngeal fold, salpingopalatine fold, torus levatorius, pharyngeal recess, pharyngeal tonsil, tubal tonsil
which division of the pharynx contains the following: pharyngeal isthmus, fauces, palatopharyngeal arch, palatoglossal arch, epiglotic valleculae, palatine tonsil, tubal tonsil
which division of the pharynx can be described as follows:
superior boundary: epiglottis and aryepiglottic folds; contains the piriform recess
CC: Adenoids-

Adenoids refer to enlarged ______ or _______ tonsils
pharyngeal or tubal

they can obstruct the nasal pharynx and cause difficulty breathing. If they obstruct the auditory tube--> hearing loss
CC: Waldeyer's ring: circular (hexagonal) arrangement of tonsils
superior = pharyngeal tonsil
superiolateral = tubal tonsils (2)
inferiolateral = palatine tonsils (2)
inferior = lingual tonsil
CC: mechanisms and mm involved in swallowing:

1) pharyngeal isthmus closed by soft palate via 2 mm (A & B), 2) the pharynx is raised by 3 muscles (C, D, & E), 3) the tongue forces food back, 4) 4 muscles that raise the hyoid and depresses the mandible (F, G, H, & I) 5) contraction of a set of mm (J) brings the bolus down the pharynx
A: tensor veli palatini m. (V3)
B: levator veli palatini m. (X)
C: stylopharyngeus m. (IX)
D: salpingopharyngues m. (X)
E: palatopharyngeus m. (X)
F: digastric m. (ant- V3, post- VII)
G: myolohyoid m. (V3)
H: Geniohyoid m. (C1)
I: stylohyoid m (VII)
J: pharyngeal constrictor mm (X)
CC: middle ear infections in kids
in children, the angle of the auditory tube allows ingested fluids to travel more easily into the middle ear
geniohyoid m.

O: inferior genial tubercules (mental spines) of mandible near mental symphysis
I: hyoid bone
A: elevates hyoid and brings it fwd
N: C1 coursing with the hypoglossal n. (XII)
stylohyoid m.

O: styloid process of the temporal bone
I: hyoid bone
A: raises the hyoid
N: facial n. (VII)
mylohyoid m.

(review OIAN)
O: mylohyoid line of mandible
I: median raphe and hyoid bone
A: elevates hyoid, floor of mouth, and tongue
N: mylohyoid branch of inferior alveolar n, (V3)
diagastric m.

(review OIAN)
O: ant. belly: digastric fossa of mandible
post. belly: mastoid notch of temporal bone
I: hyoid bone
A: ant: elevates and steadies hyoid; depresses mandible
post: elevate hyoid
N: ant: mylohyoid branch of inferior alveolar n, (V3)
post: facial n. (VII)
name the 2 glands in the submandibular region
submandibular and sublingual gland
what is the name of the space in the oral cavity between the lips/cheek & the teeth/gums where the parotid glans opens into
the vestibule
which cavity contains the following:
frenulum of tongue, sublingual folds, sublingual caruncles, palatoglossal arch, palatopharyngeal arch, uvula
the oral cavity
permanent teeth

first appear?
how many?
first ~6 y.o.
32 total
Deciduous teeth

first appear?
how many?
first: 6-9 mo.
20 total
what nn. and aa. supply the teeth?
superior (V2) and inferior alveolar (V3) nn. and aa.
salivary glands of oral cavity

submandibular located deep to mandible, superficial to hypoglossus; LONG DUCT course anteriorly deep to lingual n. (V3); OPENS at sublingual caruncle

sublingual located deep to mylohyoid m.; SHORT DUCTS opens into oral cavity on sublingual fold
sympathetic vs. parasympathetic innervation of salivary glands sublingual/submandibular & parotid:

-vasoconstrictor or secretomotor?
sympathetic (all glands)
-ganglion: superior cervical ganglion

-ganglion to sub's: submandibular ganglion
-ganglion t parotid: otic ganglion
on what structure are the following found:
-fungiform, filiform papillae
-circumvalate papillae
-median sulcus
-sulcus terminalis
-foramen cecum
-median and lateral glossoepiglottic folds
-epiglottal valleculae
the tongue :-P
what is the embryological significance of the foramen cecum of the tongue?
the thyroid descends from here
Anterior 2/3 of tongue:
-general sensory innervation?
-special sensory innervation?
-embryonic origin?
-gen. sensory: lingual n. (V3)
-spe. sensory: chorda tympani (from CN VII) merges with lingual n. (V3)
-emb origin: 1st pharyngeal arch
Posterior 1/3 of tongue:
-general sensory innervation?
-special sensory innervation?
-embryonic origin?
-gen. sensory: glossopharyngeal n. (IX)
-spe. sensory: glossopharyngeal n. (IX)
-emb origin: 3rd pharyngeal arch
Epiglottic valleculae:
-general sensory innervation?
-special sensory innervation?
-embryonic origin?
-gen. sensroy: vagus n. (X)
-spe. sensory: vagun n. (X)
-emb origin: 4th pharyngeal arch
there are 3 intrinsic mm of the tongue, what are they and what do they do?
longitudinal, transverse, and vertical

alter shape of tongue
name the 3 extrinsic mm of the tongue
1) hyoglossus m.
2) genioglossus m.
3) styloglossus m.
genioglossus m.

O: genial tubercle of mandible
I: body of hyoid, ventral surface of tongue
A: protrudes, retracts, and depresses tongue
N: hypoglossal n. (XII)

***fan-shaped mm of tongue***
hyoglossus m.

O: body and greater cornu of hyoid
I: sides of tongue
A: depress and draw tongue laterally
N: hypoglossal n. (XII)
styloglossus m.

O: styloid process
I: sides of tongue
A: retract and elevate tongue
N: hypoglossal n. (XII)
trace arterial supply to the tongue from the external cartoid artery to the 2 terminal branches
external carotid a.--> lingual a. --> dorsal lingual --> deep lingual and sublingual aa's