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128 Cards in this Set

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Age range

Depends on who you ask!

Health promotion focuses on...........

Risky behaviors

This is the _______ period

Healthiest. Maximum muscle strength and dexterity at 25-30

Skeletal growth slows to a near stop at what age?


When do things begin to go downhill

At 40 our bone mass and density begin to decline

When are we finished growing?

Females - 17

Men - 21

Women have greater ______


Women are more likely to ________

Seek healthcare

Next few slides are Health Perception-Health Management


Why do we do preventative care?

To maximize health status

What kind of history should we focus on for this age group?

Behavioral health history to get an idea of what kind of risk factors they may have for unintentional injuries. Not really concerned about illnesses since they are generally healthy

How often should we have a history/physical?

Every 2 years.

What kind of screenings do we need?



PAP smear to detect cervical cancer starting at 18

What kind of factors should we focus on after the age of 25?

Coronary risk factors


Should be less than 200

Blood sugar (Diabetes)

Should be between 70-100 before eating

Diabetes 7th leading cause of death

Minorities at greatest risk


Severe skin cancer that can kill you.

Do not recommend tanning beds

SPF 20 sunscreen


Bacterial infection around hair shaft that is worse than an infected hair

Need antibiotics

Chrons Disease

Inflammation of the large intestine

Ulcerative colitis

Inflammation of the large intestine


Can still get HPV vaccine


Hep B

What to look for during a self-exam (testicular/breast)

Painless mass

Could be cysts, but cysts can be painful.

Men can do the light test - if you can see through it then it's not cancer

What can help women who are facing infertility or PMS?

Birth control (hormones)

Anxiety meds

No salt diet

No alcohol

No sugar

No caffeine


What kinds of questions should you ask a young adult regarding their Health Perception - Health Management pattern?

Risk assessment questions:

Do you wear a helmet?

Do you drink alcohol and drive?

Do you do illicit drugs?

Everyone should have a physical at what age?

18 to determine the answers to the aforementioned questions

Mammogram frequency

First one at or around age 40, repeat every 1-2 years until 45

Between age 45-54 we should get yearly mammograms (most risk for breast cancer here)

>55 repeat every 2 years

Lyme disease

Big issue if people get bit by a deer tick

No vaccine!!!!

Leading cause of death among this age group:

Unintentional injuries, including:




Adventurous/daring/risky behavior

This group believes death will never happen to them

What other threats are faced by this age group?

Communicable diseases due to travel, social and sexual behaviors

Why are communicable diseases such a big deal (in general)

Because of drug resistance

What is meant by drug resistance?

New strains of drugs are emerging from some infections, and no antibiotics are yet available for them

Incorrectly taking antibiotics- not completing entire course

Nutritional - Metabolic Pattern


Issues for this age group when it comes to nutrition

Eating out, fast food, sedentary lifestyle

What should we teach regarding nutrition?

Increased activity

Low fat

More fruits and veggies

Limit portion sizes

Assessment for the nutritional-metabolic pattern


Waist circumference, blood pressure


Under 25 = normal

30 or greater: medications considered AFTER diet and exercise

40 or greater: indicator for weight loss surgery despite diet, exercise and meds

Waist circumference

Males should be less than 40 inches

Females less than 35 inches


120/80 is healthy, higher BP indicates obesity

Common nutritional definencies in young adulthood

Iron, folic acid, calcium

What nutrient should we really recommend for pregnant women?

Folic acid to prevent spinal deformities

Should we recommend prenatal vitamins

We do not prescribe, but they should be taking them because they cannot get everything they need from their diet

Pregnant women are usually ______

Anemic because the baby is storing all their iron

Elimination Pattern


Common complaints from young adults about elimination





Often related to diet, activity, and medications


Dilated blood vessels in or around anus from straining during constipation or childbirth


Related to diet, activity and meds

Eating disorders

Persist from adolescence

What should we teach young adults about elimination?

Report changes in elimination patterns

Drink adequate fluids

Fruits veggies

Diet diet diet is critical to health!!!!!!

Activity-exercise pattern


Exercise recommendations: time

30 mins a day/5 days a week

What activity is the best?


What other activities are okay?

Jogging - damages joints

Weight lifting - NOT extreme

Sun radiation/exposure tips

Use SPF 20 or greater sunblock

Sun-protective clothing

Avoid tanning and sunbathing


Get a good history of their usual recreational habits to guide activity-exercise education

Sleep-rest pattern


Young adults are subject to _______


What can cause fatigue in young adults?

Stress (can cause lack of sleep)

Varying work schedules

Inactivity (can make you have trouble sleeping)

Recommendations for young adults regarding sleep

Change activity

Work through stressors

Try out new tasks or physical activities (Do not recommend strenuous exercise before bed )

Put away devices!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern

Oh here we go 😱


Formal operations - problem solving

Can see and analyze

Intellectual growth enables them to recall performance and memory

Erikson stage

Intimacy vs isolation

Intimacy characteristics

Increased sense of competency/self-esteem

Learns to develop reciprocal intimate relationships (which require mutual trust)

Find love interest

Isolation characteristics

Cannot get into a relationship

Lack empathy

Self absorbed

Cynical, withdrawn

Complain of loneliness


Post-conventional moral reasoning

Define rights and mortality in terms of self-chosen principals. Often depends upon how you were raised

There is no right and wrong answer to anything related to morals, just depends on the person

Right brain

Processes spatial things better

Left brain (most people)

Language, logical reasoning, planners

Woman brain

Dominant on both sides

Post-conventional is more than just ____

Keeping order and following rules

Havighurst tasks

Select a mate

Learn to live with a marriage partner

Start a family

Manage a home

Start an occupation

Assume civic responsibility

Find a congenial social group

Life transitional stages:

7 year itch

Maturational crises

Situational crises

7 year itch

Occur about every 7 years

Happen when things just don't feel right and you suddenly want to change everything about your life

Normal and actually lead to growth

Maturational crisis

The fancy word for the 7 year itch

Situational crisis

Can happen at any time when things occur that are unpredictavle

What happens when a Maturational crisis and a situational crisis occurs at the same time?

It can lead to severe stress and depression, often leading to suicide

Stress overload NANDA. Can have physical symptoms

Self-perception-self-concept pattern


The burden of financial and residential independence

Although moving out and getting your own place was once expected, we don't see as much of it now, which can lead to poor self-concept

Adulthood in western culture today

Focuses more on exploration and experimentation, rather than firm commitments

Employment issues for young adults

Pay differentials by gender

Variance in benefits

Occupational hazards

Stress of employment

Childbearing choices, child care issues

Increased job burden with decreased job security

Roles-Relationships pattern

Your roles and relationships are all maturing!! You decide what role you want to play in the workplace and with your peers

Issues with roles-relationships pattern




Affects the entire family!!!!!!!

One may reevaluate their basic values, strengths, and even their personality

Depression is common, but we recommend counseling and NOT medication


80% of violence is isolated (homicide)

Men are more likely to be violent

Homicide is the second leading cause of death in 15 to 24 year olds


Intimate partner violence and nursing

Assessment, detection and treatment needed

Do not minimize it !!!

Sexuality-Reproductive pattern


Sexuality-Reproductive issues


Unintended pregnancy



Affects 10 to 15% of US couples

What is the optimal child-bearing age?

Between 25 and 30

What method can be used to help aid in fertility?

Assistive reproductive technologies, although these can be stressful and expensive

Teen birth rate is ________


What causes half of all unplanned pregnancies?

Failed contraceptive

What is our role in contraceptive counseling?

See your provider!!!!!!!


We recommend screening for these

Multiple STDs increases chance of getting HIV

Coping-Stress Tolerance Pattern


For stress we should

Assess assess assess!!!!!

What should we assess:

Listen for physical complaints

Determine whether it's stress or whether there may be an underlying physical concern (we cannot diagnose. We can only direct them to a provider)

Physical complaints related to stress:

Headache, not sleeping, tired


Leading cause of death for young adults

Cause of depression

Unable to cope with stressful circumstances or events

Suicide by gender

More women attempt suicide, while more men succeed

Assessment for suicide:

Assess for depression and suicidal ideation

Ask "Have you thought about suicide and do you have a plan?"

What should be done if they say they have a plan?

They should be sent to the hospital immediently!!!!!!

Loss and Grief


Can people grieve their own death?

Yes. They will need to finish things, conversations, and they will be concerned for those they are leaving behind.

Should we encourage those who are nearing death to talk about it?

Yes. They don't want to, but they need to!

Anticipitory grieving

You know something is going to happen so you begin grieving early

Dysfuntional grief: abnormal. Two types:



Unresolved grief

Trouble expressing feelings or denying them altogether

State of prolonged bereavement, goes on longer than a year

Inhibited grief

Suppression of grief feelings, may have somatic symptoms

Not able to express grief

Values-belief pattern


Health promotion for the values-belief pattern

Altering values/beliefs that encourage poor health patterns and practices

Environmental processes

Ethnicity, race, culture (minorities get short end of stick)



Occupational hazards/stressors

Chemical agents


Unhealhy practices

Two types of pollution



Noise pollution

Increases risk of hearing loss. Mostly occur in work environment

Air pollution

Automobile exhaust, industrial settings

MVA safety is important, including:

Seat belts

Use of alcohol

Aggressive driving

The back of the brain is now producing common sense, but the front brain is still prominent, meaning what?

That this age group still doesn't think death can happen to them. They therefore may still drive drunk, not wear seatbelts, etc.

Occupational hazards/stressors

Young adults working hazardous jobs (vocational training needed)

Periodic assessment and counseling for risks will be needed

Chemical agents

Drug, alcohol, tobacco use

Drug use concerns

Injury, disability, violence, social problems

Alcohol use concerns

Accidents, future chronic conditions, binge drinking

Tobacco use concerns

Leading cause of preventable death

Cancer causes

work exposure to hazardous chemicals

Unhealthy practices that can contribute to the health of young adults

Multiple sexual partners can increase risk of exposure to HPV (which leads to cervical cancer)

Smoking can lead to multiple types of cancer

What sort of factors determine health

Social factors and environment

Culture and ethnicity




Dual careers

What sets the standard for individual health?

Neighborhood resources

Does the family have access to transportation, insurance, etc.?

Nursing application

Focus on maintaining optimal physical condition by encouraging healthy habits, screening for diseases, and treating illnesses

Further screening, education or monitoring may be needed, but is determined on a situational basis