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45 Cards in this Set

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the iso osi refrence model is a theoretics tool for describing connections between systems the most common implementation of a layered architecture for such communication is a suite protocols known by the acronym ___________.


an opponent obtains a copy of a legitimate message as it is transmitted over a network link and inserts the copy into the system, so that both the orignal and the copy are delivered.

this is an example of __________.

replay attack

even if an opponent cannot read the content of messages he may be able to deduce the likley content from observable characteristics. this technique is known as

Traffic analysis.

analysis showed that double DES does not reduce to a single stage so it is much less vulnerable than single DES to brute force attack . however it is vulnerable to a/an

meet in the middle attack.

when two different messages generate the same hash value (or the same Mac value for the same key) the result is called a __________


according to the definition in class,

a threat requires an impending action by a person with hostile intent. true or false?


in typical usage the algorithim used to encrypt a message is known only to the encrypter and the decrypter . true or false


The Boolean exclusive or (xor) operator returns 1(Which is usually interpreted as tr

when both inputs to it are the same true or false ?


The sender of a message creates a message authentication code (MAC) fo rit using m generation function based on AES encryption. To authenticate the message the recipient must use a MAC verification function on AES decryption .


A threat that does not involve some non -trivial change to a system is known as a _______ threat.


Selection, design, and implementation of security mechanisms is _______ before an organizationdevelops an information security policy


For which of the following moduli are the values 2 and 7 congruent? Inother words:

2=7(mod 5)

The modular multiplication property shows that (a - Jb) mod n = e

[(a mod n) - (b mod n)]mod n nclude_H͟

Each cycle of symmetric decryption uses the inverse operations ofthose used in encryption, in the reverse order, with nb

the same key as used in encryption mb

When using symmetric cryptography, the major challenge for the users isb

sharing the key 

The DES algorithm is an example of a Feistel cipher.
Which of the following statements about the Feistel design is true?

The same algorithm is used for both encryption and decryptionnsb

In the simplest mode of operation for symmetric block ciphers theplaintext is encrypted with a key and ciphertext is decrypted with the samekey. This is known 1803b

as electronic codebook key ab

a message authentication code (MAC) sent with a message does not provide the service of non-repudiation because ______

they use secret keysmenb

Which of the following is the direct outcome of successful use of theprotocol named for Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman? (

Agreement on a data value,Decryption of a message and Encryption of a message 8C(

Which of the following information security services is/areprovided
when a recipient successfully verifies a digital signatureaccompanying a received message? >(

non repudiation ,integrity, orgin,

The discrete logarithm problem refers to the impracticality of 7(

of reversing modular exponentiation for large numbers tabs":(

Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) is the mode of operation typically used forgeneral-purpose encryption/decryption. What is the most important distinctionbetween CBC and Electronic Codebook (ECB) mode that makes CBC the appropriatechoice here ?

dont know

Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) is the mode of operation typically used forgeneral-purpose encryption/decryption. What is the most important distinctionbetween CBC and Electronic Codebook (ECB) mode that makes CBC the appropriatechoice here ?

dont know

SHA-1 (the revised version of the original Secure Hash Algorithm)generates a 160-bit output value from an input bit sequence that is between 0and 2 -1 bits in length.
Assuming a uniform distribution of output values theprobability of two different messages coincidentally having the same SHA-1 hashvalue is .chԛ

dont know

RSA encryption may be expressed as C= Me mod n. RSA decryption may beexpressed asmpor(

M= C^d mod n

a particular binary boolean operator return 0 (or FALSE) if its two inputs are the same, and returns I( or true) if they are different. this operator is known as


in some modes of operation for symetric block ciphers a result from one cycle is used in the following cycle. in the first cycle there is no previous value so a special data value must be shared by the encypter and the decrypter ( in addition to the shared key). this special data value is known as___________________.

dont know. !!

the strength of several asymettric cyrptographic schemes is based on the fact that is easy to calculate expotentials in a modular system, but it is impractical to reverse those calculations for large value. this is known as the __________________________ problem .

exchange destrict logrithim.

traffic (flow) analysis may allow an opponent to violate the confidentiality of an encrypted message even if he opponent is never able to decrypt the cipher text.

true or false?


by deffinition an asymetric encryption scheme is more then a sysmettric encryption scheme with the same key length and the same amount of computational effort.


the sender of a mesasge creates a message authetication code (MAC) for it using a mac generation fuction based on AES encryption. to authenticate the message the recipeint must use a MAC verfication fuction based on AES decryption.


A threat that if its eventuated would involve a non-trivial change to an information system is known as a/an _______ threat


which of the values shown below is congurent modulo 10 to the value 2? ("modulo 10" means " with respect to the modulus value 10")

12, 22

the modular property shows that (axb) mod n =

[ (a mod n) x (b mod n)] mod n

A brute force attack is against double DES was considered infeasible, but a ____ attack was considered feasible

meet-in -the middle

a good encryption alagortihim will produce cipher text that is apparentley unrelated to the plaintext to anyone who does not know the key. such ciphertext is commonly described as


public key of an enitity is commonly communicated to other entity in a data structure known as


which of the following is the direct outcome succesfull use of the protocol named for whitefield diffie and martin heelman?

dont know this one

a. agrremtn on a data value

b. assurance that a message is correct

c. decryption of a message

d. deterrence against false claims

e. encryption of a mesage.

which of the following information security services is/are provided when a recipeint succesfully verfies a digitial signature accompnaying a received message?

non repudiation , authentication of orgin ,

authentication of integrity.

electronic codebook mode is used to provide the service of confidentiality but only for every short messages with unpredictable content because.

a perticular plaintext block value always produces the same ciphertect block value.

rsa encyption may be expressed as c= m^e mod n. rsa decryption may be expressed as

m=c^d mod n

birefley explain one (1) information security service that is provided by appropriate use of a hash function . be sure to explain why appropriate usage of the hash fuction provides that information security service.

auhentication of the intergrety of a hash value directly provides authentication at the person message this will insure that the message has not been altered, by comparing H(m1)=H(M2).

user a wants to encrypt a message using a symetric encryption algortithim so that user b can decrypt it when received. user A will generate a " session key " for this encryption .

briefly explain how user will communicate the seesion key to userB over the Network it is not practical to a deliver the key person -to-person.

different hellious method can be used user a and b will agree on a psuedacode . random numbers to generate a private key that will be used to calculate a public key. they will share these public keys and get the same k value which b shared as the secret key and caluclate a k value.

user a will generate a message and a digital signature for that message and send both to user b. briefley explain which key/s will be used to generate the digital signature. to verify the digital signature , and how each user will obtain the key/s used by that user.

answer it

user a and user b exchange messages over an information system. user c is an attacker. briefley explain what userc must do to succesfully complete a man- in - the - middle attack. against the communication between user A and user B.

answwer it !!