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73 Cards in this Set

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Raja Yoga
"Royal Path" of meditation
Patanjali: 8 Limb Path
Hatha Yoga
Yoga of opposing forces
Solar / Lunar
Jnana Yoga
Yoga of Higher Knowledge
Bhakti Yoga
Honoring a teacher
Devotion to a person/thing
Karma Yoga
Yoga of Action / Selfless Service
Mantra Yoga
Chanting / Meditation
"Instrument for the Mind"
Hatha Yoga (modern version)
The physical asana practice
Tantra Yoga
Use of the senses to see the sacred through the mundane
Vini Yoga
Customizing the yoga to the individual
Fixed postures, rigorous/intense
Iyengar Yoga
Focused on alignment, for physical therapy
Sivananda Yoga
Ashram (home) / guru-based yoga. Devotional. Diet/lifestyle.
Bikram Yoga
Heated, fixed postures.
Kundalini Yoga
Breathing/creating heat
Kripalu Yoga
From a non-profit center (in Mass)
Opening of the heart / heart center
Jivamukti Yoga
Davide Life / Sharon Gannon - devotional, heavy dogmatic. Animal rights activitists - extremist.
Chest Breather
(habitual breathing pattern)
breathes from chest; rib cage may be frozen
Upper Chest Breather
(habitual breathing pattern)
Pull upward with neck and shoulders
Abdominal Breather
(habitual breathing pattern)
just the abdomen - not the side ribs and chest
Exhale Breather
(habitual breathing pattern)
resting point is with breath pushed out of the body
Inhale Breather
(habitual breathing patterns)
resting place is at top of the inhale
Shallow Breather
(habitual breathing patterns)
Inhale and exhale are small and quiet
Breath Holder
(habitual breathing patterns)
holds the breath during times of stress
Yoga Nidra
Suspension between wakefulness and sleep
Ujjayi: Victorious Breath
"ha" - constrict breathing, creates heat
Nadi Shodhana: Alternate Nostril Breath
Start on left, opens two hemispheres of brain
Sithali: Cooling Breath
curled tongue, lightly clenched teeth, or puckered lips
Surya Benda: Solar Breath
Heating - Inhale right, exhale left
Chandra Bhenda: Lunar Breath
Cooling - Inhale left, exhale right
Kapalabhati: Breath of Fire
exhale quick, passive inhale
Bhastrika: Bellows Breath
Full diaphramatic breath. short, even inhalations and exhalations pumping from abdomen and rib cage, through the nostrils
2 Part Breath
Inhale 2 thru nose: short, long
Exhale 2 thru mouth: short, long
Nadi Shodhana: Alt Nostril Breath
Surya Bhenda: In Right/Ex Left heating
Chandra Bhenda: In Left/Ex Right cool
Sitali: curled tongue, cooling
Kapalabhati: breath of fire; heating
Bhastrika: bellows breath; heating
Ishvara Pranidhana
Doshas and Elements
Kapha: Earth, Water
Pitta: Fire, Water
Vata: Space, Air
Breathing Types
Upper Chest
Breath Holder
Gunas (Spiritual Classifications)
Sattva: Balance
Rajas: Motion
Tamas: Resistance
What is Yoga
To yoke or harness; to join.

A spiritual path designed to control the mind and draw the senses inward.

To still the fluctuations of the mind (Patanjali)
Niyama: Saucha
Cleanliness; purity external and internal
Niyama: Santosha
Contentment; gratitude; joyfulness
Niyama: Tapas
Discipline; committment; joyful determination
Niyama: Svadhyaya
Self-study; self-education; self-reflection; meditation
Niyama: Ishvara Pranidhana
Surrender to the true inner god; devotion; allowing the universe to guide you
Non violence in thought, intention and action
Truth in speech, thought, and intention
Non stealing
Non wasteful
Self control
Neither obsession nor repression
Non possessiveness
Reducing wants to needs
Root Chakra
Color: Red
Sense: Smell
Symbol: 4 petal lotus
Sound: Lahm
Element: Earth
Dosha: Kapha
Body: spinal column, kidneys, colon, legs/feet
Associations: Materialism, Survivalism, Comfort
Sacral Chakra
Color: Orange
Sense: Taste
Symbol: 6-petal lotus, square
Sound: Vahm
Element: Water
Dosha: Pitta / Kapha
Body: Reproductive System, Pelvis
Associations: Procreation, Control, Resistance to Disease, Likes/Dislikes
Navel Chakra
Color: Yellow
Sense: Sight
Symbol: 10-Petal Lotus, Invert Triangle
Sound: Rahm
Element: Fire
Dosha: Pitta
Body: Stomach, Liver, Gall Bladder, Small Intesting, Nervous System
Associations: Power, Fame, Digestion
Heart Chakra
Color: Green
Sense: Touch
Symbol: 12 Petal Lotus
Sound: Yahm
Element: Air
Dosha: Vata
Body: Heart, Blood, Circulatory System, Shoulders, Arms
Associations: Compassion, Sharing, Unconditional Love, Truth
Throat Chakra
Color: Turquoise Blue
Sense: Hearing
Symbol: 16 Petal Lotus
Sound: Hahm
Element: Space
Dosha: Vata
Body: Lungs, Throat, Mouth
Associations: Wisdom, Communication
Third Eye Chakra
Color: Indigo / Purple
Sense: Intuition
Symbol: 96 Petal or 2 Petal Lotus
Sound: Om
Element: Ether / Space
Dosha: <none>
Body: Lower Brain, Left Eye, Ears, Nose, Nervous System, Senses
Associations: Self-Realization
Crown Chakra
Color: Brilliant White
Sense: None
Symbol: 1000 Petal Lotus
Sound: Silence
Element: Ether / Space
Dosha: None
Body: Upper Brain, Right Eye
Associations: Inner God Realization
Alignment Points: What should you think about for each pose?
Toes? Heels? Knees? Hips? Core? Heart? Tail? Shoulders? Arms/Hands? Head?
Down Dog
Hands grounded all four corners
Tail "cow"
Roll arms/shoulders inward from bottom
Heels/feet hip width
Initially, keep knees bent, "walk them out"
Relax the head!
Warrior I
Back heel grounded
Don't step back to far
Hips facing top of mat
Knees start straight, not locked
Raise heart
Front knee never past ankle - scoot foot fwd if knee extends to far
Warrior II
Back foot, toes 1" in front of heel
Front foot faces forward
Front foot points to back foot's arch
Hips facing side of mat, level!
(hands on hips to help level)
Use the boat/dock simile
Shoulders back/down
Warrior III
Start Tadasana, step back 1 foot grounding fully on other foot, knee straight not locked, bend as foot comes up - straight line neck to heel
Arms at sides or fwd
Keep hips level and don't turn to the side!
Chair Pose
Feet hip-width
May start at forward fold
Back straight
Thighs perpendicular to legs
Arms horizontal, or up for challenge
Triangle Pose
Start with Warrior II alignment points
Forward leg straight!
Vertically align arms to shoulders
Don't strain your neck - lead with shoulders.
Hands under shoulders
Elbows face back along body
Spine straight
Move slowly
Prep for Up Dog if desired
(don't go all the way down)
Half Moon
Blocks for better alignment
Warrior II as base
Bend forward knee and put hand on floor
Vertically align hips, bottom leg, down arm
Horizontally align up leg, body
Hips facing top of mat, leveled
Feet forward
Heart open
5 types of Prana
Prana - Breathing (Nose to Heart)
Apana - Excretion/Reproduction (Navel to soles of feet)
Samana - Digestion (Heart to Navel)
Udhana - Vocal Cords (Nose upwards to Crown)
Vayana - third chakra and all over; your "aura"
Sequencing Considerations
...the class's general dosha makeup and possible general imbalance
...Time of day
...Exceptions: moon cycle
...Meet people where they are
Sequencing - a general program
Grounding (5 min)
Warm Up (10-15 min)
Build to Peak (35-45 min)
Purush / Parkriti
Purusha: Male: Primordial source of the soul
Prikiti: Female: Cosmic manifesting energy; turns Purusha into matter
4 Curves of the Spine
Cervical: neck to "bump" (7V)
Thoracic: Upper chest to bottom of ribs (12v)
Lumbar: Lower back (5V)
Sacral: Fused (3/4/5V)
Total ~26V
What is the Hip Flexor?
Psoas muscle - connects at the front/top of your thigh and the diaphragm and hip.
Stretched in the lunge and even further when you back bend in lunge.