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62 Cards in this Set

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What is a klesha?

A klesha is the cause of our suffering. The "afflictions" that distort our mind and our perceptions.

What is the klesha for ignorance?


What is the asmita klesha?


What is the klesha for attachment?


What is the dvesha klesha?


What is the klesha for will to live?


Name the three gunas and their properties.

1) Tamas = inertia, inactivity, darkness, materiality

2) Rajas = energy, action, change, movement

3) Satwa = harmony, joy, balance, intelligence

What are the koshas?

The five psychic sheaths.

What is the annamaya kosha?

The food sheath.

What is the name of the vital air sheath?


What is the manomaya sheath?

Mental sheath

What is the name of the knowledge sheath?


What is the anadamaya kosha?

Bliss body sheath.

What is the mula bandha?

Root lock

What is the name of the flying lock?

Uddiyana bandha

What is the jalandhara bandha?

Water pipe lock

What is the name of the "great lock"?

Maha Bandha

What are the yamas?

Moral guidelines to others.

What is the 2 limb in the 8 limb path; the own guidelines for the Self?


What is the asana limb of the 8 limb path?

3rd limb, meaning "seat".

What is the 4th limb in the 8 limb path and what does it mean?

Pranayama which is your "life breath"

What does pratyahara (the fifth limb of the 8 limb path) mean?

To withdraw from the senses.

What is the 6th limb of the 8 limb path and what does it mean?

Dharana which means concentration.

What does dhyana (the 7th limb of the 8 limb path) mean?


What is the 8th limb of the 8 limb path and what does it mean?

Samadi "same-as" (recognising the oneness with everything around you) which is ecstacy.

What is the first yama and what does it mean?

Ahimsa = non harming

What is the second yama and what does it mean?

Satya = truthfulness

What is the third yama and what does it mean?

Asteya = non stealing

What is the fourth yama and what does it mean?

Brahmacharya = non sexy time

What is the fifth yama and what does it mean?

Aparigraha = Non attachment

What is the first niyama and what does it mean?

Saucha = to cleanse oneself

What is the second niyama and what does it mean?

Santosha = contentment

What is the third niyama and what does it mean?

Tapas = discipline

What is the fourth niyama and what does it mean?

Svadhyaya = self study

What is the fifth niyama and what does it mean?

Ishvarapranidhana = self surrender

What were the indus civilisation known as and when were they around?


5000 + years ago

Name the three roots of yoga.

1) Buddhism

2) Hinduism

3) Jainism

What is raja yoga?

Royal yoga

What is the name of the yoga for "wisdom"?


What is bhakti yoga?

Love/devotion yoga

What is the name of the yoga for "self-transcending action"?

Karma yoga

What is tantric yoga?

Heroic yoga

What is the name for "forceful" yoga?

Hatha yoga

What is the name of the crown chakra and what colour is associated with it?

Sahasrara, ultra violet.

What is the name for the third eye chakra and what colour is associated with it?

Ajna, indigo.

What is the name for the throat chakra and what colour is associated with it?

Vishuddha, blue.

What is the name for the heart chakra and what colour is associated with it?

Anahata, green or pink.

What is the name for the navel chakra and what colour is associated with it?

Manipura, yellow.

What is the name for the sacral chakra and what colour is associated with it?

Svadhistana, orange.

What is the name for the root chakra and what colour is associated with it?

Muladhara, red.

What epoch of yoga history took place from around 4000/3000 - 1500 B.C.?

Vedic period

What is the most revered text of the Vedic period?

Rig Veda

What is a hymnadie?

Oral transmission of knowledge by Seers and Rishis

When did the Pre-Classical yoga epoch take place?

Circa. 1500 B.C. to 200 A.D.

In which yoga epoch did The Upanishads first get written?


Describe how the Upanishads were passed on and recorded.

In Satsung formats where collectives of like minded spiritual people would discuss spiritual stories and then write them down.

Name the two key texts of the Pre-Classical yoga epoch?

1) Mahabarata

2) Bhagavad Gita

What yoga epoch took place circa. 200 A.D.?


What is they key text of the Classical yoga epoch and who wrote it?

Patanjali's "Yoga Sutras"

Define purusha and prakriti.

Purusha is the Atman or the Seer

Prakriti is the Matter or Seen

When did the Post-Classical yoga epoch take place?

After 200 A.D.

What is the key text for the Post-Classical yoga epoch and who wrote it?

Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Swami Svatmarama