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34 Cards in this Set

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It is a meeting of persons

loving encounter

love is a ____, loving is a _____

choice, decision

the two elements are no longer distinguishable from each other, they have lost their identities


essence of a man's humanity


The soul is a ____ of _____

this is said by and where

in the Phaedrus, Plato, charioteer of two winged horses

in death the man is freed to see the

pure light and absolute truth

Man is his soul


Man is the hwole of his body and soul


man can be divided into bdy and soul , but soul is more important

St Augustine

essence of soul needs to be one with body, soul is not man

Thomas Aquinas

Which book did Thomas Aquinas use

Summa Theoligiae

Which book of rene descares

Meditations on First Philosophy

doubt all we know bc senses deceive us

First meditation

I think therefore I am

Cogito Erso Sum

A thinking being

res cogitans

A being which doubts which understands, which affirms denies etc

Thinking being

thrown in front


i have a body

primary reflection

I am my body

secondary reflection

body is intermediary, between the self or subject world


end of all our earthly desires needs and dreams


being in this world


who said that man is directed towards the world and has the power to be in the world

Martin Heidegger

fundamental structure of dasein


He discovers himself "there" absorbed in things and people constantly realizing his or her own possibilities for being


means the measureless impossibility of existence


if you want to change your life

think of ur death LMAIO

work which does not stimulate and challenge self

boring work

work that makes man into a machine and denies him opportunity to grow

Routine work

work that Taking away the sense of accomplishment and make life empty

Meaningless Work

work that leads to be in conflict with others

Anti social work

So demanding that can destroy us mentally and physically

overly stressful work

work does not give opportunity to express self

impersonal work

system that gives a clear definite pattern for life
