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50 Cards in this Set

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what are morgani tubercles and where are they located
periphery of the areola
secretes oils for lubrication and decrease bacterial breeding
looks like white bumps that have stuff that comes out when you squeeze them
where do 97% of the lymph drain from the breast?
axillary lymph node
what dose estrogen do to the breast
stimulates ductal growth
what does progesterone do
ductal branching
what happens to the number of lobules with menopause
in mammogenesis, what happens at birth, prepubertal, and puberty stages
birth = 10-12 primitive ductal elements
prepubertal- canalization into ductal structures
puberty- FSH and LH stimulate ovaries --> icnreased estrogen
when are the 2x in life that the breast goes through lobular involution
post lactation - glandular atrophy --> apoptotic death and tissue remodeling

menopause- atrophy of glands, decrease in lobules and CT
what are the main changes in each trimester of pregnancy
1- high progesterone stops breast tissue from further developing. lobules differentiate into milk containing sacks. progesterone stops breast from continuing to grow and release milk

2- prolactin triggers glandular production of colostrum. HPL = secretion of colostrum

3- epithelial cells separate into secretory cells

post partum = prolactin and oxytocin = letdown of milk
when is the best time to do a breast exam?
x7-9 days after your period because it is your least amt of hormones
when you're sitting upright, what LN are you checking for?
cervical, supraclavicular, infraclavicular, axillary
what are some things you want to document?
bulging, discharge, asymmetry, contour, nipple inversion, ulceres, retraction, dimpling
what do you want to document if you feel masses
firm, soft, mobile, fixed matted
distance to areola
R/L breast
roughly when do you start getting breast exams?
20-39 Q 3 yrs annually after
when do you start mammograms
roughly 40-50 and stop at 75
what is the MC complaint to the PCP?
breast pain/mastalgia
when does cyclic mastalgia usu occur?
late in luteal phase
poorly localized
estrogen stimualtes ducts
progesterone stimulates stroma
how does noncyclic mastalgia differ from cyclic
unilateral pain
focal pain
what are some causes of noncyclic mastalgia
rupture of ectatic duct
stretching coopers ligaments
fat necrosis
when would you get a mammogram dt mastalgia?
pt >35 and probably noncyclic
what is the tx for cyclic breast pain
lower estrogen
vit E supplement
what are some ssx for nipple discharge? and how do you dx
only with compression
multiple ducts involved
dx with CBE or mammogram if >35
usu dt overstimulation
what are some ssx of pathologic nipple discharge
spontaneous discharge
a/w mass
gross/occult blood
what is the treatment for pathologic nip discharge
duct excision

you usually want to localize duct
dx with mammogram
if i am not pregnant and i have nipple discharge, what hormone should i check out to indicate that i possibly have galactorrhea?
what is the treatment for galactorrhea?
is spontaneous nip discharge good or bad
if i have a 35 yo female pt with a mass, what dx test should i do?
if i have a 16 yo female with a mass, what test should i do?
if i have a high risk female pt or a pt with recurrent breast ca, what test should i do?
if i have a solid lesion, what dx test shoudl i do?
core needle bx
what test is good for a cyst eval
fine needle aspiration
what are some lesions that dont increase the risk of breast ca
simple breast cyst
papillary apocrine change
epithelial related calcifications
mild hyperplasia of unusual type
i use breast US and fine needle aspiration to dx this. usually occurs in 35-50 yo women and influenced by hormoen fluctation. what am i?
simple breast cyst

no tx necessary
this is a proliferation of ductal epithelial cells
papillary apocrine change
this is benign in ducts, lobules, stroma, blood vessel walls
epithelial related calc
increase in # of epithelial cells but celsl DONT cross midline
mild hyperplasia of usual type
this has a slight increase in risk of getting breast ca. drs usually find this secondary to abnormal mammogram. no tx is needed
usual ductal hyperplasia
this has nipple discharge as its main sx. can be bloody. dx is made via ductogram and the tx is excision. what am i?
intraductal papilloma
which lesion can be canerous, must have it excited out, but if excision is negative, no further tx is necessary. fibroelastic core with radiating ducts and lobules
radial scars
this is usu seen in young women 15-35. hormonal influence. dx with core bx/excision

tx: remove or F/U in 3-6 months with repeat breast US
simple fibroadenomas
ADH and ALH are atypical hyperplasias. what are some things to do if you find these?
stop OCP, HRT
yearly mammogram
2x/yr CBE
dx with core bx followed by wire localization breast bx
if i am an older white female that is nulliparous with fam hx of brca 1/2 what do i have an increased chance of getting?
breast ca
what are some suspicious mass characteristics
adherent to surrounding tissue
why is lactation good?
decreases length of lochia for mom
increase weight loss
decrease risk of breast ca

for child, decreases infection
better digestive tract formation
decreases other disease chances
contraindications for breast feeding
HIV, drugs, etoh, untreated TB, t cell lymphocytic infection

fetal reasons: galactosemia
what is a reason of inadequate milk production
boob job/insufficient breast tissue
increased androgens
reatined POC
pituitary insufficiency
dopamine agonist
if i have mastitis, what am i mc cuased by?
staph aureus
what is the tx for mastitis
abscess= drainage or needle aspiration
what is the tx of postpartum yeast infection
if you have fissures use topical bacitracin
use fluconazole
describe fibrocystic breast changes
Benign, Pain, nodularity
Most of pts. not at increased CA risk
Often age 35 to 50
Often decreases post-menopause, unless HRT
Mammogram, Ultrasound