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76 Cards in this Set

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What are the components of a resistance training program?

initial consultation, excercise selection, frequency, exercise arrangement, load (weight), volume (repetitions and sets), rest, variation, progression

Machines (variable resistance)

Loadis changed throughout movement (ROM) so that more weight is placed on strongerpoints in the joints ROM and less weight is placed on weaker points in thejoints ROM

Pros of machines

•Backsupport•Quick& easy to use•Noneed for a spotter•Hardto mess up on

Cons of machines

•Limitedavailability•Notmade for all body types•LimitedROM•Limitedamount of weight•Expensive

Free weights (constant resistance)

•Loadis constant throughout the joints entire ROM•Cancause too much stress on weaker parts of joint

Pros of free weights

Less expensiveRequires less roomFull ROMReal life movementsSport specific

Cons of free weights

Requires spotterBecause of ROM issues more likelyto get hurtHigher injury rates

Standard bars

1 inch in diameter, has a pair of collars (stop the weight plates from sliding in toward the hands), lock added after weights, 5 lbs per foot

weight of standard curl bar (3ft)

15 lbs

weight of standard bar (5ft)

25 lbs

Olympic bars

longest bar in the weight room, 2 inch diameter, 7 feet long, 45 lbs w/o locks

weight of olympic locks? spring locks?

5 lbs, not included in weight

what are the different weights of plates?

45, 35, 25, 10, 5, 2.5

What is the weight of the EZ curl bar, cambered bar?

25 lbs

what are the 2 types of dumbbells?

standard, premolded

What is the weight of the hip sled without weight on it?

45 lbs

When and how should you use a spotting technique?

Usually only with free weight exercises; Overhead exercises (i.e. standingshoulder press);Over the face (i.e. bench press, lyingtriceps) ;With the bar on the upper back andshoulders (i.e. back squat);With the bar positioned on front ofshoulders or clavicles (i.e. front squat)

What are the contact points for bench press

head, shoulders, back, butt, feet

When do you breath during bench press?

breath in during decent, breath out during accent

Who is responsible for the renaissance of weight training? for what was it used

DeLorme and Watkins, weight training in the 1930s to rehabilitate soldiers

weight training

the use of barbells, dumbbells,machines, and other equipment to improve fitness levels and appearance

strength training

the use of weight trainingequipment to improve athletic performance

Today over ____ million people are weight lifting; it is the single most popular type of fitness training activity in the US

40 million

What are the 6 categories of weight training?

Improve Health/Fitness Levels; Re-proportion/Sculpt BodyAppearance; Improve Athletic Performance ; Powerlifting ; Body Building ; Rehabilitation

What are 6 training precautions?

Loadand unload bar properly; Usespring locks/clips; Avoidbacking into others; Beaware of extended bars ; storeequipment properly, PUT IT AWAY!; Useweight belt

When do you use a weight belt

excecises that stress the back, involve maximum or near max loads

Why do you have to train on a regular basis?

use it or lose it; 72 hours of no training= decreases in training status

Why should intensity increases be gradual?

body adapts and responds well

infrequent training does what to muscles

muscle soreness that does not go away

what does it mean to train to failure

be willing to push yourself to the uncomfortable point of muscle failure (not pain)

What are 5 things to do to train for success?

quality reps, warm up and cool down, eat smart, rest, if need obtain medical clearance

What do quality reps consist of?

slow, controlled, full ROM

How much should you rest?

24 hours for same muscle workout

What 3 things do you need to do to prepare to train?

make sure you are mentally prepared for workout, ensure you do a proper warm up before partaking in weight training, use a cool down after activity to help relieve muscle soreness

What are program design variables?

•SelectingExercises•ArrangingExercises•DeterminingExercise Loads•Determiningthe Number of Repetitions•Determiningthe Number of Sets•Determiningthe Amount of Rest •Determiningthe Frequency of Training•DeterminingProgram Variationeffects

Muscular endurance consists of?

lighter loads more reps low sets short rest periods

Hypertrophy endurance consists of?

mediumloads medium reps medium sets medium rest

strength endurance consists of ?

heavy loads, few reps, high sets, long rest

What type of training?

2 - 3 sets

same loads for each set ->60 –67% 1RM

12 - 20 reps for each set

20 - 30 second rest period in-betweensets

endurance training

What type of training ?

3- 6 sets

67- 85% 1RM (same load for each set)

6- 12 reps for each set

30- 90 second rest interval, DO NOT FULLY RECOVER!

hypertrophy training

What are the 2 different methods of hypertrophy training?

compound set and super set

Compound set (hypertrophy)

same muscle group doing 2 different exercises, no rest in between

super set (hypertrophy)

opposing muscle groups doing 2 different exercise, no rest in between

What type of training ?

3 - 5 sets

1 - 6 reps

85 - 100 % 1 RM

2 - 5min rest

strength training

Strength training typically applies to what muscles?

apply to core exercises only

What is the max loads for assistant muscle groups during strength training?

no loads heavier than 8RM

Describe pyramid training (strength)

Set 1 – 85% 1RM = 6 reps

Set2 – 90% 1RM = 4 reps

Set3 – 95% 1RM = 2 reps

Describe multiple sets-same load training (strength)

Set 1 – 85% 1 RM = 6 reps

Set2 – 85% 1 RM = 6 reps

Set3 – 85% 1 RM = 6 reps


muscle will adapt to the type of stressplaced upon it in a very specific manner


Specific Adaptations by Imposed Demands

Balance (selecting exercises)

between front and back exercises

Equipment (selecting exercises)

know what equipment is available

Need for a spotter (selecting exercises)

choose appropriate exercises

Time requirement (selecting exercises)

know what time you have

Squat: muscle group and muscle group type

thigh and hip, large

calf raise: muscle group and muscle group type

calf, small

bench press: muscle group and muscle group type

chest, large

triceps extension: muscle group and muscle group type

arm- posterior, small

lat pulldown: muscle group and muscle group type

back, large

biceps curl: muscle group and muscle group type

arm-anterior, small

what type of exercise is it? (push or pull)

Bench press, bent over row, shoulder press, biceps curl, overhead triceps, leg curl, leg extension

push, pull, push, pull, push, pull, push, pull

What muscle group?

Bench press, bent over row, shoulder press, biceps curl, overhead triceps, leg curl, leg extension

chest, back, shoulders, arm-anterior, arm-posterior, thigh-posterior, thigh-anterior

What are the 2 types of sets that you can do?

back to back or alternated sets

_______ after upper body pressing exercises

triceps (bench press->shoulder press->triceps extension)

What are the 2 methods for determining exercise loads?

12-15 RM or 1RM

When should you use 1RM

Only Core Exercises : Multi-Joint+ Large Muscle Groups (Chest, Shoulders, Legs) = Safe to perform 1RM


imposea demand on the muscle greater than what it is accustomed to

progressive overload

implement the overload concept over time

2 for 2 Rule

able to complete 2 more reps than required (goal) for 2 consecutive workouts

If you pass 2 for 2 rule how much should you increase in upper body?

2.5-5+ pounds

If you pass 2 for 2 rule how much should you increase in lower body?

5-15+ pounds

The amount of _____ ___ or _____ ____ and the number of ______ performed are inversely related.

weight lifted, load lifted, repetitions

Why are multiple sets recommended ?

more muscle fibers are recruited

What is the frequency of working out programs?

3 times a week, performing all exercises each day

How many days of rest are recommended?

1 day of rest, but no more than 3 days in between training sessions


changing the exercises to avoid staleness