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48 Cards in this Set

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Audit Programs
Detailed set of very specific instructions for entire collection of evidence for an audit area or for entire audit to help in meeting specific requirements
Audit Report: Disclaimer
Auditor is not independent
Unable to be satisfied that financial statements are fairly stated
Severe scope limitation
Material portion audited by another auditor and primary auditor is not willing to take responsibility
Audit Report: Adverse
Financial statements are so materially misstated that they do not present fairly in accordance with GAAP
Audit Report: Qualified
Overall financial statements are fairly stated except for:
May have scope and opinion qualification or just an opinion qualification
Usually "material" misstatement or estimated misstatement
- except for -
but not so pervasive as to render financial statements non-useful
Audit Report: Unqualified with explanatory paragraph or modified wording
Complete audit performed with satisfactory results
Financial statements presented fairly in accordance with GAAP
feel that additional information is important or required
lack of consistency of GAAP
Substantial doubt regarding going concern
Departure from GAAP
Emphasis of a matter
Report sharing responsibility with another auditor
Audit Report: Standard Unqualified
All financial statements included with adequate disclosures
All general audit standards and fieldwork auditing standards are met
Financial sttements are fairly presented in accordance wiht GAAP
Explanatory paragraph or modified wording are not necessary
Components of Internal Control
Control environment
Risk assessment
Existing control activities
Information and communication system
Date of Audit Report
Last date of significant fieldwork
Required opinions to be issued for auditor's of public companies
Opinion on financial statements
Opinion on management assessment of internal control
Opinion on effectiveness of internal control
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) provides:
Provides oversight for auditors of public companies
Establishes auditing and quality control standard for public company audits
Tests of controls
To determine effectiveness of clients internal control system and to support assessed control risk
Substantive Tests
Three types generally designed to test for monetary misstatements directly affecting the correctness of the financial statements.
An error in substantive IS a financial misstatement
Tests of transactions, analytical procedures, tests of details of balances
Dual purpose tests
Tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions are done at the same time; enhances audit efficiency
Error (or omission) that would affect the judgment of a reasonable user
Transaction-related audit objectives
Posting and summarization
Balance-related audit objectives
Detail tie-in
Realizable value
Rights and obligations
Presentation and disclosure-related audit objectives
Rights and Obligations
Accuracy and valuation
Auditors responsibility for detection of errors, fraud and direct effect illegal acts
Plan and perform the audit using due care and with an attitude of professional skepticism to provide "reasonable assurance" regarding whether statements are free from material misstatement
Reasonable Assurance of Internal Controls
Provide reasonable assurance that internal controls will prevent / detect misstatements considering cost / benefit of internal control
Existence or occurrence assertion
Vouch from accounting record to source documents to determine that the item in balance exists or transaction occurred
Examples of control activities
Independent checks on performance
Adequate documents and records
Proper authorization
Physical controls for safeguarding assets
Adequate segregation of duties
Types of audit evidence
Physical Examination
Analytical procedures
Inquiries of the client
Audit evidence: relevance
Must pertain to the audit objective being tested
Audit evidence: reliability
Affected by independence of provider
Effectiveness of internal controls
Auditors direct knowledge
Qualifications of provider
Degree of objectivity of evidence
Audit Evidence: sufficiency
Sample size considerations
Does sample represent population?
Completeness assertion
Trace from source documents to accounting records to determine that the item or transaction / event have been recorded
Inventory audit procedures: existence
Tag to Floor
Take sample of inventory tags
find item on floor
count and verify all information on inventory tag
Inventory audit procedures: completeness
Floor to Tag
Find inventory items on floor
Verify with inventory tag
During testing after-year-end, trace auditor's test counts into client's final priced inventory summary
Positive confirmations
Response whether amount noted on confirmation is "correct" or "incorrect"
Negative confirmations
Response only if amount noted on confirmation is "incorrect"
may be used only when certain criteria are met including:
combined level of assessed inherent and control risk is low
large number of small balances
no reason to believe that recipients will not give the confirmation adequate consideration
Blank confirmation
Requests recipient to provide the amount and return
greater assurance but lower response rates
Alternate procedures regarding Accounts Receivable confirmations
Must perform alternative procedures on all positive and blank confirmations not returned:
Review subsequent cash receipts
Inspection of shipping records
Audit procedures
Bank reconciliation
Balance per bank
Confirm directly with bank
Agree to cut-off bank statement received directly from the bank
Audit procedures
Bank reconciliation
Deposits in transit
Trace to cash receipts journal before year-end
Trace to inclusion on the cut-off bank statement
Ascertain reasons for any unusual delays in deposit
Inspect supporting documents for any not appearing on the cut-off bank statement and ascertain why they did not appear on cut-off
Audit procedures
Bank reconciliation
Outstanding checks
Trace to cash disbursements journal before year-end
Trace to clearing on the cut-off bank statement
Ascertain reasons for any unusual delays
Inspect supporting documents for any material outstanding checks not clearing on the cut-off bank statement
Ascertain the reason for any checks not clearing the cut-off bank statement
Audit procedures
Bank reconciliation
Bank debit / credit memos
Inspect bank debit / credit memos as appropriate
Agree information from period end bank statement to bank reconciliation
Verify client's adjustment to record items
Audit procedures
Bank reconciliation
Balance per books
Agree to clients general ledger
Verify mathematical accuracy of reconciliation
Compensating Control
An internal control elsewhere in system that offsets absence of a key control
Common audit procedures for inventory
Observation of physical inventory
Performing & tracing of test counts
Cutoff testing re: purchases & sales
Inquiry regarding obsolete or damaged goods
Analytical review procedures
During testing after year end: trace auditor's test counts into clients final priced inventory summary
Tests of details of balances
Objective is to establish MONITARY correctness of accounts
Focus is on ENDING GENERAL LEDGER BALANCES with primary emphasis on balance sheet accounts with idea that balances of Income statement accounts are tested by "flow-through" due to double entry accounting system
Inherent Limitations of Internal Controls
Effectiveness depends on: user competence & dependability (errors may occur - ie mistake in judgement)
Management Override
Difficult to achieve effective Internal Control in smaller business entries due to lack of personnel so owner involvement is important
Professional Skepticism
Plan and perform audit with questioning attitude and critical review / assessment of evidence
Auditor selects one or a few documents of a transaction type and traces them from origination through entire accounting info system to a company's financial statements to verify auditor's understanding of the accounting process
Objective of independent audit
To express an opinion on whether financial statements as a whole are fairly presented in all material respects in conformity with GAAP
True for both public & private companies
Segregation of duties
Segregate authorization for transactions, recording keeping & custody of the related asset
Many times may be tested using inquiry of client & observation of individual performing their duty
Search for unrecorded liabilities
Do this because an unrecorded liability will usually understate expenses
Audit procedures include:
Testing of cash disbursements AFTER year end to ascertain recorded in correct period
Review of unpaid invoices / receiving reports to ascertain recorded in correct period
Objectives of Internal Control
To promote efficiency & effectiveness of operations
To ensure reliability of financial reporting
To encourage compliance with applicable laws and for regulations
Analytical procedures
Uses a study of plausible relationships among financial & non-financial data to aid in evaluation of financial info
Required in planning & completion phase of the audit
May be used in testing phase as a substantive tests though are not required