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40 Cards in this Set

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what are the 2 compound joints of the wrist complex?
1. midcarpal joint
2. radiocarpal joint
what consists of the proximal carpal row?
1. triquetrum
2. lunate
3. scaphoid
what consists of the distal carpal row?
1. hamate
2. capitate
3. trapezoid
4. trapezium
what type of joint is the RC/MC? and how many degrees of freeom?
condyloid joints= 2 degrees of freedom
what motions occur at the RC/MC joints?
flexion and extension
radial and ulnar deviation
what is the axis of rotation for the RC/MC joints?
arthrokinematics of rc/mc joint flexion?
anterior roll
posterior slide
what limits rc/mc joint flexion?
dorsal radiocarpal ligament
arthrokinematics of rc/mc joint extension?
posterior roll
anterior slide
what limits rc/mc joint extension?
ventral radiocarpal ligament
arthrokinematics of radial deviation?
roll radially
slide ulnarly
what limits radial deviation?
ulnar collateral ligament
arthrokinematics of ulnar deviation?
roll ulnarly
slide radially
what limits ulnar deviation?
radial collateral deviation
compression forces can cause what at the rc/mc joints?
what prevents collapse?
passive ligaments
damage to rc/mc ligaments could cause?
what happens at the distal and proximal carpal rows during collapse?
one could extend the other flex and the carpal bones could pile up on top of each other
what are the loose and close packed joint positions of the rc/mc?
loose = anatomical resting pos

close= full extension and or full radial deviation
during ulnar deviation what ligaments are stretched?
radial collateral ligament and some volar ligaments close to the RCL
what muscles are the wrist flexors?
1. flexor carpi radialis
2. flexor carpi ulnaris
3. palmaris longus
finger flexion causes what at the wrist and why?
reduced wrist flexion strength bc of shortening to the flexor muscles
wrist flexion does what to the finger?
reduces flexed finger strength
elbow flexion does what do the wrist?
shortens wrist flexors and reduces strength
what is the primary goal of the wrist extensors is?
to maintain optimal length of finger flexors
during finger flexion what does the wrist do?
wrist would flex and wrist extensors keep the wrist extended
during elbow extension what happens to the wrist extensors?
shorten wrist extensors and decrease their strength
tennis elbow, lateral epicondylitis, involves degeneration of?
proximal tendons of wrist extensors attaching on the lateral epicondyle
lateral epicondylitis is associated with what kind of activities?
that require a strong grip and repetitive wrist extension
what do the primary wrist flexors and extensors have in common?
more superficial
what muscle is a better wrist flexor?
flexor carpi radialis
what muscles are the radial deviators?
what do the radial deviators have in common?
they insert on the radial side of the wrist
what muscles are the ulnar deviators?
what do the ulnar deviators have in common?
they have insertion points on the ulnar side of the wrist
all the muscles of the wrist have dual effects but they are either a better at?
flexion or extension or
radial or ulnar deviation
when are FCU and ECU antagonists and around what axis?
around mediolateral axis during flexion and extension
when are FCU and ECU synergists and around what axis?
A/P axis during ulnar deviation
distal muscles have:
1. CSA
2. Fatigue
3. # muscle fibers
1. smaller CSA
2. less fatigue-resistant
3. fewer muscle fibers per motor unit
mechanics of distal muscles:
1. inertia?
2. friction/dampening
3. act like pendulums
4. control
1. less inertia
2. more friction/dampening
3.less able to act like pendulums
4. control based on joint position than force