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32 Cards in this Set

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wrist sprains



ususally falling on hand

often dorsal pain

most common instability occurs between scaphoid and lunate

management: rule out fracture esp: scaphoid fracture

standard acute nsaids

finger sprains


collaterals (moi: excessive valgus and varus stress)

volar plate (moi hyp ext)

thumb abduction or Game Keeper

ulnar collateral of thumb

moi: MP in ext and forceful abduction

subungal hematoma

drain, infection possible


infection with ingrown nail


tendons crossing joint (strong)

repetitve motion = overuse

eccentric loads

lunate disclocation

moi: axial loading displaces in volar direction

caution: compression of median nerve in carpal tunnel

distal radius/ulna with carpal or radial fracture

moi: hyperextension

hyperpronation - ulna dorsal dislocation

hypersupination - ulna volar dislocation

finger dislocation

moi = hyperextension and axial loading

handle bar palsy

ulanr (hamate, pisiform) nerve compression

cyclist's palsy

due to leaning on handlebar for extended period of time. leads to swelling in hypothenar area.

symptoms mimic ulnar nerve entrapment syndrome but disappears after ed of ride

key: poper padding, varying hand position

median nerve entrapment

carpal tunnel syndrome

median nerve passes through flexor digitorum and pronator teres (passes under transverse lig)

due to direct traume, repetitive overuse or anatomic anomalies

s+s: awakening in the middle of night- often relieved by shaking out their hands

pain, numbess, or tingling sensation only in finger tips on palmar aspect of thumb, index and middle finger

weak thumb abduction

ulnar nerve entrapment

ulnar tunnel syndrome

due to repetitive compressive trauma to the planar aspect of the hand

passes between hook of hamate and pisiform (tunnel of guyon)

s+s: numbness in the ulnar nerve distribution (Esp: little finger)

slight weakness in grip strength

radial nerve entrapment

distal posterior interosseous nerve syndrome

-due to compression associated with repetitive and forceful wrist dorsi flexion

s+s: deep, dull ache in wrist reproduced with wrist extension and deep palpation of forearm

superficial radial nerve entrapment

compressed at the wrist. aggravated by repeated pronation and supination

s+s: burning pain and sensory changes dorsoradial aspect of wrist, hand, dorsal thumb and index finger

colles'/smith's fracture

distal radius with displacement of distal fragment dorsally


distal ulna with associated dislocation of radial head


distal radius with associated dislocation or subluxation of distal radioulnar joint

scaphoid fracture

s+s: (70% of carpal fractures)

history of falling on an outstretched hand

point tenderness anatomical snuffbox

pain with inward pressure along long axis

increase pain with wrist extension and radial deviation

peak incidence between 12-15 years old

concern: aseptic necrosis

lunate fracture

rare in sports

difficult because a large portion of the lunate is cartilagenous

s+s: dorsal wrist pain, swelling and weakness of wrist associated with use

concern: kienbocks's disease (Avascular necrosis)

hamate fractures

direct impact-when stricking a stationary object with a raquet or a club in full swing

s+s: tenderness-hypothenar mass

painful RROM abduction of the small finger

decreased grip strength

triquetrum fracture

caused by impingement of ulnar styloid into dorsum of triquetrum

s+s: history of acute wrist dorsiflexion injury and deviated to ulnar side or direct trauma

pain-dorsal wrist over triquetrum

metacarpal fractures

of prox end of metacarpal

moi: axial compression

s+s: increase pain and palpable-pain directly over involved metacarpal

increased pain with percussion and compression

management: immobilize in postion of function

boxer's fracture

distal metaphysis or neck of 4th and 5th metacarpal

benett and rolando fracture

articular fracture - prox end of 1st metacarpal

moi: axial compression

pull of APL tendon displaces shaft proximally

deep volar ligaments holds small medial fragment in place - fx - dislocation

rolando is the same but without the dislocation

fibrocartilaginous tear

between lunate/triquetral and ulna

unla deviation with extension

radioulnar seperating

mallet finger

distal extensor tendon rupture/avulsion from distal phalanx

rupture of extensor tendon mechanism: forceful of PIP while extensor tendon is taunt


middle phalanx extensor tendon rupture

moi: rapid forceful flexion of PIP

result: hyperextension at MCP

flexion of PIP

hyperextension of DIP

jersey finger

rupture of flexor digitorum profundus from distal phalanx

moi: rapid extension (from active flexion)

trigger finger

snapping of flexor tendons

locking of nodule passing annular ligament

finger flexors contract but are unable to reextend

wrist ganglion

sheath/tendon herniation

often dorsal but also present in the volar aspect

Dupuytren's contracture

nodules develop in palmar aponeurosis that limit finger extension and cause a flexion deformity

gymnast's wrist

stress fracture to distal radial epiphyseal plate

mechanism: compression

DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis

stenosing tenosynovitis of ext pol br, abd pol long

moi: a forceful grasp combined with repetitive use of thumb and ulnar deviation