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61 Cards in this Set

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The Air Force defines leadership as
The art and science of influencing and directing people to accomplish the assigned mission.
Leadership is an area because it requires
imagination and creative skill
Leadership is also a science because it is an
academic subject requiring careful study, observation, and experimentation.
A leader works with
The mission is the reason why the
team exists
Among the leaders many responsibilities, accomplishing the
mission is the most important
there is no universally agreed upon definition for
Most experts include in their definition of leadership three components;
the leader, the follower(s), and the goal
Culture is
the attitudes, customs, and values of a civilization, it influences how we approach leadership.
In America, for example, our society is built on
democratic values
Recall the Air Force`s definition leadership;
The art and science of influencing and directing people to accomplish the assigned mission.
Leading is now seen as
something everyone has the potential for
Absolute power
corrupts absolutely
Threats, coercion, and extortion are
not tools genuine leaders use
Bad leadership implies no
In the everyday sense of the word, to lead means to bring
someone to a new place
Visionary leaders paint an
inspiring future picture for the whole team
Seventeen years before Pearl Harbor, Brigader General Billy Mitchell
was warning that Japan could use carrier-based airplanes to attack Hawaii
His vision called for crating an independent air force that would
not be subject to the Army or Navy
Cadets want to have a sense of __(1)___ over their program. With that freedom comes the responsibility to provide __(2)___ leadership.
1) ownership
2) visionary
Leaders not only need to envision the future, they must
live in the real world
Motivation is more than just cheering, it comes in many forms;
money, praise, a prestegious position, awards, special privileges, and more
John F. Kennedy challenged America by appealing to the nation in several ways. What are the steps?
1) He cited the great accomplishments of earlier generations
2) He linked his moon challenge with our stature as a world power
3) He motivated by putting his presedency on the line
4) Most of all, Kennedy motivated by setting an audacious goal
Cadets motivate one another all the time during
competitions, on obsticle courses, and whenever they try to build team spirit
When a leaders motivational qualities ever be too much of a good thing, they might
inspire the team to follow them for the wrong reasns, or worse, motivate them to do something they know is wrong but find it hard to resist
A leader will want to take an idea
in his or her mind and deposit it in the minds of others and vary their message, doing whatever it takes to reach their audience
Good comunicatiors are perceived to have orderly minds, which
inspires condifence
Martin Luther King Jr.`s "I Have A Dream Speech"is recognized as one of the
greatest oratorical performances of all time
Instead of delivering an angry speech that might have satisfied the passions of those who experienced injustice in the Deep South, Martin Luther King Jr. projected
optimism, confidence, and a belief in America
By the time Dr. King`s chorus, "I Have A Dream Today", comes around to be repeated 9 times, everyone of the 200,000 people in the audience has found
plenty to agree with
the work of a communicator is to
make complex ideas easy to understand
People judge leaders by
their conduct and not their words.
Possesing expert knowledge helps leader
establish their credibility and win respect
Jimmy Doolittles most famous accomplishment came in the early days of WWII, when he devised a method for
launching Army Air Force bombers from a Navy aircraft carrier.
Doolittle`s plan resulted in
a dairing raid on Tokyo
To be effective leaders,
cadet officers and NCO`s need to be experts in all aspects of cadet life
Leaders teach their teams how to
act and what to value
Anne Sullivan wrote "Obedience is the gateway through which knowledge
and love too enter the mind of a child
Deep down, Sullivan knew that every blind children want to
learn and contribute to society as much as anybody else did
Because of Anne Sullivan`s leadership
many Americas began to see that people with disabilities can live productive, and successful, lives.
With the responsibility to teach junior cadets comes the opporotunity for
experienced cadets to hone their leadership skills
Leaders who are seen as having all the answers could inadvertently make the team
dependent of them
Leaders communicate, teach, and
inspire, sometimes all at once
the oldest leadership philosophy is the
Great Man theory
The Great man theory professes that to
study leadership you must focus on the life stories of successful people
One would not presume to challenge or contradict the example set by the
great men
Leaders are presummed to be
acquanted with the biographies of the great men
According to the great man theory, leadership is almost a
magical quality found in only a select few.
the Great Man theory does
not explain how we determine who is a successful leader
Experience, education,and situation have a
much greater impact on leadership than the great man theory acknowledges
Air Force doctrine (the service`s official beliefs) states that leadership is built from
experience, education, and training
Trait theory explains leadership in terms of the
personality and the character of the leader
Each leader is unique in their
personal qualities and in their approach to leading
The major weakness in trait theory is that
no one agrees which traits make a good leader
Simply by discovering how mysterious leadership can be, that it equires deep study and reflection,
you have taken an important step in your development as a leader
On June 14th, 1777, the U.S. congress created
the flag
June 14th is celebrated as
flag day
The poem,"The Star Spangled Banner" by Francis Scott Key, would later be known as the
U.S. National anthem, changed by how Americans felt about their flag
The flag best represents the best things about our
people, our land, and our commitment to equality
Do not allow the U.S. flag touch the ground
Do not use the flag in advertising
Do not fly the flag upside down, except as a sign of distress
Do not fly another flag above the U.S. flag
Do not drape the flag over a parade float or car
Do not wear the flag as clothing
Do not place words, pictures, or logos on the flag
Do not fly a tattered or dirty flag; destroy it in a dignified manner, usually by burning
Display the flag everyday, especially national holidays
Public buildings must display the flag
Fly the flag from sunrise o sunset, or through the night only if illuminated
Do not fly the flag during bad weather
Briskly hoist the flag up the flag pole, and lower it ceremoniously
If marching in a group, the U.S. flag belongs front and center of all the other flags, or on the marching right.