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146 Cards in this Set

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The plan to unite all Germans

The Anchluss

When does Paul Von Hindenburg die?

August 2, 1934

What does "perfidious albion" mean?

It means backstabber

What year does Germany occupy the Rhineland


What is the regular German army?

The Wehrmacht

When does Germany invade Austria?

March 1938

When was the Sudetenland Crisis, Czechoslovakian Crisis?

September 1938

Who brought "peace in our time"?

Neville Chamberlain

Who represented England at the Munich Conference?

Neville Chamberlain

What was given to Germany by Neville Chamberlain?


How does Germany get to keep the Sudetenland?

The Munich Agreement

When does Hitler annex the rest of Czechoslovakia?

March 1939

Who signed the Non-Aggression Pact?

Germany and Russia (Adolf and Stalin)

When was the Non-Aggression Pact signed?

August 1938

During the Non-Aggression Pact, who represented the Russian Minister?

Von Ribbentrop

During the Non-Aggression Pact, who represented the Soviet Minister?


What are all the Baltic States?

Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia

When does Germany first invade Poland?

September 1, 1939

What starts WWII?

The German Invasion of Poland in 1939

When does Britain and France declare war on Germany?

September 3, 1939

What kind of society is Japan?

A feudal society

Who brings four ships into Japan's harbor?

Matthew Perry

What was Japan's official religion?


When was the Sino-Japanese War?


Who wins the Sino-Japanese War?


When was the Russo-Japanese War?


Who won the Russo-Japanese War?


What year does Japan annex Korea?


What does Japan rename Manchuria?


When does Japan invade the rest of China?


What city did Japan figuratively rape?

Nanking (The Rape of Nanking)

What defenseless city did Japan bomb?

Shanghai (The Bombing of Shanghai)

What two sides of the Chinese civil war were there?

Nationalists (Chiang Kai Shek) versus Communists (Mao Zedong)

When was Pearl Harbor?

December 7, 1941

Who said "a date that will live in infamy"?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Who was the commander of the Persian Gulf War?


Which General went to West Point and was #1 in his class?

General Douglas MacArthur

What nation was bombed the same day as Pearl Harbor?

The Philippines

Who is known as the fog of the war?

Douglas MacArthur

Where does Douglas MacArthur move the troops (in retreat) while the Japanese are landed on the Philippines?

Bataan (Not the Bataan Death March)

What are the soldiers that retreat to Bataan known as?

The Battling Bastards of Bataan

Who was the Army Chief of Staff of America?

George Marshall

Who does Roosevelt order out of the Philippines?

Douglas MacArthur

What does MacArthur say as he left the Philippines?

"I shall return"

How long was the Bataan Death March and how many died?

65 miles and 3,300 dead

Who was the famous entertainer that visited the troops and brought entertainment to the USO?

Bob Hope

What was Betty Grabel best known for?

Her legs

What two islands slowed up Japan?

Bataan and Corregidor

Who was the Norwegian Politician collaborating with the Nazis?


What was the German puppet government in Southern France?

Vichy Government

Who was the head of the French Quislings?

Henri Philippe Pétâin

What was a famous resistance movement?


What day does the USA get into the war?

December 8, 1941

Who led the "Free French"?

Charles DeGaulle

What year does the French government fall to Algeria?


Who led the troops against Rommel in Africa in 1942?

Bernard Montgomery

What is known as the German-Italian victory against the British?


Where was El Alamein fought?


Who wins the Battle of El Alamein?


In June of 1942, who is known as the Allied Commander of all generals?


The Russians want the Allies to invade which country so they can take the pressure off of Russia?


What is the American Invasion to North Africa called?

Operation Torch

Who led Operation Torch?

George Patton

Who chooses Patton to lead?

George Marshall

Where does Patton go for Operation Torch?

Morocco, North Africa

What was Patton referred to?

"Ole blood & guts"

What do you call choosing one guy to fight the war, all or nothing?

A surrogate war

The Invasion of Sicily was led by whom?

Patton and Montgomery

What is the imaginary race between Montgomery and Patton called?

The Race to Messina

Who wins the Race to Messina?


Who was the general that slapped a soldier in the face?


Who launched 87 amphibious landings?


What is the military strategy that promoted taking down little islands in the hope of taking down the big one?

Island hopping

What are suicide planes?


The Japanese navy is completely wiped out during which battle?

The Battle at Leyte Gulf

What is the volcanic island in the middle of nowhere?

Iwo Jima

In the famous picture of the Marines raising the flag on Iwo Jima, what mountain are they standing on?

Mt. Suribachi

What is the project that works with the Atomic Bomb?

The Manhattan Project

Who is the head of the Manhattan Project and also a famous nucleoscientist?

Robert Oppenheimer

Where did they test the first atomic bomb?


Where was the lab of the atomic bomb located?

Los Alamos, New Mexico

What is the plane that carries all the atomic bombs?

The Enola Gay

Who is the pilot that bombs Japan?

Paul Tibbets

When was the bombing of Hiroshima?

August 6, 1945

When was the bombing of Nagasaki?

August 9, 1945

On what battleship do the Japanese finally surrender?

The Battleship Missouri

Who says "I am death, destroyer of worlds" and where is the quote from?

Robert Oppenheimer and its from the Vedas

After the Japanese surrender, who writes the Japanese constitution?

Douglas MacArthur

Who signs the armistice that puts Italy out of the war?

Pietro Badolio

Who is in charge of the Italian Campaign?

Mark Clark

What is the German line of defense called?

The Gustav Line

What Benedictine Monastery is at the center of the Gustav Line?

Monte Cassino

When was the Battle of Anzio?

January 1944

What group of soldiers were the most decorated soldiers in all WWII?

The Japanese American

When was D-Day?

June 6, 1944

What was the D-Day operation called?

Operation Overlord/Normandy Invasion

Who leads the "paper army"


What is the fake army called in Operation Overlord?

The Paper Army

What was the plan to invade the Soviet Union?

Operation Barbarossa

What strategy did the Russians use when retreating away from the Germans?

The Scorched-Earth Strategy

Which city refused to fall even though Hitler was starving the city?


What Soviet general counterattacked when Hitler was on the outskirts of Moscow?

General Georgi Zhukov

Who was the commander of the Allied Forces in the Pacific?

Douglas MacArthur

"The island of death"


"lighting strike"


A system of fortifications along France's border with Germany

Maginot Line

What is the "sitting war"


In April 1940, which two nations have a surprise German invasion and fall?

Denmark and Norway

When does Germany take Paris?

June 1940

Who organized the Free French Military Forces?

Charles de Gaulle

What kind of battle was the Battle of Britain?

An air battle

What was the RAF?

The Royal Air Force

What operation is the Battle of Britain known as?

Operation Adler Tag

What is Hitler bombing London and major cities called?

The Blitz

The systematic mass slaughter of Jews and other groups judged inferior by the Nazis

The Holocaust

What laws deprived Jews of their rights to German citizenship and forbade marriages between jews and non jews?

The Nuremberg Laws

What was the day called when the Nazis attacked all Jewish owned stores leaving broken glass all over the streets?

Night of Broken Glass

What are segregated jewish areas?

The ghettos

What is the systematic killing of an entire people?

A genocide

About how many died during the Holocaust and how many survived?

6 million died and less than 4 million survived

Who started the Gestapo?

Hermann Goring

Who beat executioner at the trial of Nuremburg by taking cyanide?

Hermann Goring

Who was the German minister of propaganda?

Josef Goebbels

Who is Hitler's architect?

Albert Speer

Where were convicted Nazi war criminals imprisoned?

Spandau Prison

Site of trials of Nazi War Criminals?


Who was Hitler's mistress?

Eva Braun

What is the Hitler Youth?


What was the poison gas used to exterminate the Jews called?


Who was the American Commander of D-Day?

Omar Bradley

Who was the British commander of D-Day?


What was the port city taken by the Allies?


D-Day was which type of war?

"Hedgerow war"

When was the Battle of the Bulge?

December 1944

What kind of battle was the Battle of the Bulge?

A tank battle

Where was the place that 101st Airborne were trapped there by Germans?


Who is asked by Germans to surrender?

General A.C. McAuliffe

What was General A.C. McAuliffe's response when asked to surrender by the Germans?


The Russian Invasion of Germany was led by who?


When was the bombing of Dresden?

February 1945

How many bombs do the British drop on Dresden


What was the title of Kurt Vonnegut's book about the Bombing of Dresden?

Slaughterhouse Five

During the three pronged attack, where do the allies and Russia meet?

The Elbe River

Who was the rocket scientist who developed the American program for missiles and space?

von Braun

Who was known as the "Desert Fox"?

Erwin Rommel

Who was German Tank General in Africa?

Erwin Rommel