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19 Cards in this Set

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K'ung Fu-Tzu "great master Kong not successful through adult life tried to advise political leaders, faithful followers brought him to fame established 5 cardinal virtures and 5 great relationships (c)
"benevolence,virtue, goodness" The ideal relationship between two or more people composed of concientiousness and altruism (C)
"righteousness" in all actions with all living things. The superior person regards yi as the substance of everything. (C)
"rite" rituals, ceremonies, appropriateness. Moral way of acting, decorum, Its the spirit of Li that counts,not following the letter of the formal practice
Chun Tsu
"son of ruler by character not blood" the gentleman, the superior person, humanity at its best applies five cardinal values, appreciates the arts (C)
wu lun
also called "ten attitudes" earned authority/respect
1.kindness(ren) in the father, filial piety(xiao) in the son
2. gentility in the elder brother, humitlity and respect in the younger
3. righteous behaviour(yi) in the husband, obedience in the wife)
4. humane consideration(ren) in the elders, deference in the juniors
5. benevolence in rulers, loyalty in the subjects (C)
Confucious principle of the cultivation of "arts of peace" (fine arts, music poetry ) over the art of war
"filial peity" love of parents, loyalty to parents, family, including all relatives, both living and dead. also to elders, scholars, teachers. Confucian principle
The analects
"Lun Yu" sayings of confucious and his disciples, 1st century CE,
Wu Jing
"five classics" Confucious was "supreme editor"
the book of
history, songs, rites, changes and
annals of spring and autumn
"second stage" follower of Confucious, tried to share kowlege with rulers, but no luck. took up teaching. belief in goodness of human nature and focus on yi or virtue emphasized moral duty of rulers to govern by the principle of humanity
Lao Tsu
"master Lao, Old Master" hermit sage 7-6th century author of the Tao Te ching, (D)
Tain/ t'ien
"heaven or sky" supreme being more impersonal abstacr conception of diety. Emperors were ass. with heaven so it became a title. Chines concept of divine reality
shang ti
(ruler on high) theistic god of the Shang period, not a creator god, more like a defined royal ancestor
Chuang Tzu/ Zhuangzi
(master Zhuang) lived between 399-295 BCE (D)
*Tai Chi
(ridge beam) a term denoting the supreme ultimate, or ultimate reality, primordial ground of being from which everything arises. (D)
"non-action" or "action less action" going with the flow of the Dao, not stiving or working against the rhythms of the Dao. Letting things take their natural course in their own time. one should take no action nor interfere with natural ways
Ying & Yang
the notion of relativity of all values the identity of contraries. tension but not flatly opposed, work in harmony, yin &yang complement eachother to maintain cosmic harmony, not stuggle between good and evil, equally essential forces