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100 Cards in this Set

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-the most authoritative text, old testament, hebrew bible

-Acronym for; Torah(teachings), Neviim (prophets), Ketuvim (writings)
Patriarchs of the Jewish tradition
-Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
-focus on the home and family
-recalls Gods deliverance of the tribes of Israel from slavery in Egypt. (exodus)
-one the first two nights families gather to eat a dinner called Seder
-they eat unleavened bread
leading figure in Jewish Haskalah (enlightenment) movement/reform Judaism
-son of david built the first temple
-married hundred of wives
-after the death of Solomon the kingdom breaks up into 2 nations
-northern part becomes Israel and southern part becomes Judahh
-legal material
-the first five books of Jewish and Christian Scriptures
-(Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy)
-considered in Judaism to be the proper name of the God of Israel used in the Hebrew Bible
The First Temple
-Solomon son of David built the first temple
-was built to honor God
Assyrian and Babylonian Attacks
-Assyrian attacked Northern Israel

-Babylonian destroyed the first temple that Solomon Built in South Judah,they took the best people to Babylon

Second Temple Period
-destroyed by Romans

-Ezekiel was a prophet that lead the captives, also made the cannon

-Ezra rebuilt the temple and cannons
-literally means "my master"

-someone who studies the scriptures, and knows the scriptures

-were Pharisees.(everyone can be holy) (Oral Tora)

-brought the believe of the synagogue

-teachers and legal specialists, who helped preserve customs without a temple.
-Rabbis referred to as a whole

-those who study
-people come together, and pray, honor God, worship

-you need 10 adult Jewish males and copy of the Tora

-doesnt have to be in a bldg

-refers to the quorum of ten Jewish male adults required for certain religious obligations.

conduct public prayers
Judah the Prince
-collected all the legal commentary that had been collected since the days of Ezra

-alive during the 2nd century
-A commentary or interpretation
-6 part commentary and dispute
1. Seeds- prayer and agricultural concerns
2. Set Feasts-how to celebrate holy days
3. Women- issues of women, marriage, and family life
4. Damages- criminal and civil law
5. Holy Things- how to serve in the Temple, including sacrifice
6.Purifications- ritual uncleanness and ways to repair things defiled

-inside you will find rabbinic interpretations of the Torah and what the laws really mean

-commentary on the Mishnah
-AKA: Oral Torah

-2 Talmuds both written in Aramaic

-Palestinian Talmud-the Mishnah with the Palestinian germarah

-Babylonian Talmud-the Mishnah with the Babylonian gemarah, larger and popular
-"to walk in the way of God"-the proper legal procedure or living life and deals with legal discussion and decisions/their path to purity and holiness
-the moral lesson form the stories in the Hebrew bible and deals with history, folklore, and sermons
Sephardim Jews
-half of the Jewish pre-modern geographical world

-from Portugal and Italy
Ashkenazim Jews
-from the Germany, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Russia

-half of the Jewish pre-modern geographical world

-most common for North American Jews
Moses ben Maimon, aka Maimonides
-Promenant figure in Spain

-He was a Philosopher,Talmudist, and Physician

-2 most important works were the Mishneh Torah(14

volumes of Talmudic Law) and Guide of the

Perplexed(harmonization of Judaism with Aristotle)
The Golden Age of Spain
-Started with the Muslim conquest of Spain in 711 C.E.

-allotted Jews freedom and tolerance

-Jews entered fields like (Science, Medicine, Philosophy, and Literature)

-Spanish Jews became the leaders of Judaism worldwide
-the received or tradition

-looks for the mysteries in creation, the hidden meanings of words, and the exact relationship of God of humanity, as described in the Zohar.
The Zohar/Sefer Hazohar
-largest compilation of the Kabbalahlistic material is

-the book of splendor

-concerned with the nature of God, theories about the emanations from God, cosmogony, the creation of humans and angles, and the existence of evil

-Jews in the middle ages looked towards the Zohar to discover answers about the coming of the Messiah and for salvation
Orthodox Judaism
-largest group within Judaism today

-they preserve traditional Jewish culture and religion

-Hebrew is the language of the Orthodox worship

-kosher foods, and Talmudic laws are stressed

-both men and women must cover heads in worship
Reform Judaism
-popular in the U.S. and Europe

-attempt to modernize practices and beliefs

-Worship on Friday night, and their Synagogues are called temples

-Women can be ordained as Rabbis

-not strict with Kosher laws and Talmudic Laws

-not required to cover heads
Conservative Judaism
-sparked as a reaction to the extremes of Reform Judaism and Orthodoxy

-found in between Orthodox and Reform Judaism

-more relaxed in matter of religious practice

-into scientific study of the Hebrew bible and Talmudic material

-Worship on Saturday mornings

-men are required to cover heads
-a prayer shawl, today it is usually stripped in blue and white and in 2 sizes, one is larger and covers the shoulders and the neck
-traditional prayer garb and has two small boxes that hold passages of scripture

-skull cap
The Sabbath
-begins at sunset on Friday and continues until sunset on Saturday

-most sacred day in the Jewish calendar

-For observant Jews there is no work
-dietary law that prohibits Jews from eating meat

-sea animals need to have fins and scales

-kosher slaughtering practices draining all blood from animal and must be killed without feeling any pain
Rosh Hashanah
-Jewish New Year, celebrated on the first two days of the month of Tishre (between September-October)

-special prayers and treats are eaten in the hopes of a good new year

-these days are filled with penitence and culminate in the days before Yom Kippur
Yom Kippur
-day of atonement and holiest day in the Jewish calendar

-jews abstain from work and say special prayers of forgiveness

-many spend day at the Synagogue
-minor holiday

-holiday commemorates the redidcation of the temple by Juda Maccabaeus after it was taken over by the Syrian Greeks
Lessons Learned in: History of the Talmud
-made up of the Mishna and the Gamara

-mishna- commentary and interpretation of the Gamara
-Gamara- commentary and interpretation of the Mishna

-Mishna was finished by Judda
Worship in the Early Church
-new idea of baptism
-worship was modeled after the forms used in the jewish synagogue
-Eucharist was new, done to model Jesus during the last supper
Messianic Title
-given to Jesus by Peter
-diakonos, servant

-position of leadership
-episkopos literally means Shepard

-position of leadership
-pribyteroy, allowed to make decisions based on age and wisdom
-encompassed the earliest theological controversy in Christianity

-believed that there was a divine spark within all humans, world was controlled by evil forces, and that the Supreme God was pure spirit
Apostles Creed
-doctrine was made by the Orthodox Christians to counter other Heretical groups and teachings
-Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible
-Latin translation of the Bible.

-adopted as the official bible of the Roman Catholic Church
Western Churches
-emphasized the humanity in Christ

-one Bishop and claimed to be the leader of all Christendom

-became the Catholic Church
Eastern Churches
-more interested in theology and stressed the divine nature of Christ

-many Bishops as Patriarchs

-Became the Eastern Orthodox Church
-Roman successor to the Diocletian and changed the future of Christianity forever

-he saw a vision of the Chi Rho that said to "conquer in this sign"

-he wont the battle, and controlled the western half of the empire

-he allowed Christians to practice their beliefs

-Constantine was baptized on his deathbed
-with the Reign of Theodosius Christianity became the religion of the Roman Empire
-wrote his autobiographical book, Confessions

-wrote City of God, about contrasting a human city with the city of God

-most known for his formulation of several doctrines including: original sin, the fall of man, and predestination
-a dominican monk that published Summa Theologiae (Summation of Theology), trying to bridge the gap between reason and faith

-He had 5 proofs that God was within reason
-muslims captured Jerusalem in 637
-1071 taken by Seljuq Turks
-1095 Pope Urban II called Christians to liberate the Holy Lans, held until Salah al-Din in 1187
-Four crusades took place and in 1261 the Byzantines recaptured the city
-in the 13th century the Church Bishops were mandated to execute "episcopal inquisitions"
-Pope Innocent the IV stated that torture could be used on heretics
-In Spain it was used against Jews and Muslims
-Grand Inquisitor Tomas de Torquemada ordered more than 2000 executions
-Christian witch hunting manual was published to eradicate witchcraft in Germany
Protestant Reformation
-occurred because of the; abuses of church, declaring direct connection to God, declaring direct access and understanding to sacred scripture through enlightenment
-Martin Luther allowed for the Protestant Reformation to erupt
Protestant Denominations
-Lutherans (Germany):followed Luther, God is also a friend, conducted service in vernacular, had bishops who could marry
-Anglicans (England): established by Henry VIII, state church, hierarchy of bishops who couldn't marry, monarch is head of church
-Calvinists (Switzerland): God is sovereign and predestines everyone's life to salvation or damnation, no bishops, representative assembly
-Anabaptists: emphasized adult baptism, lay preachers
-Unitarians: reject the concept of the trinity
-Puritans: not a denomination, a movement to purify the church of England from Catholic influence, stressed morality and moderation
-Congregationalists: each congregation has ultimate authority
-Baptists: adult baptism-religion was a choice not a state matter
-Quakers: experience with the inner light of Christ not about an institution, sit in silence, highly humanitarian, reject war at all costs
Martin Luther
-allowed for the Protestant Reformation
-famously objected indulgences
-posted a notice of 95 theses criticizing various aspects of the church
-arguments were theological and advocated the direct connection Christians have in the
Ancient Arabia
-time of ignorance
-mixture of animism
-mercantile city for trade
-between two empires
-many religions
-happened in Mecca
-between two empires Byzantine Empire and Sanssanid Empire
Life/Chronology of the Prophet Mohammed
-raised by uncle in Mecca
-gained rep for being Trustworthy (al-hamid)
-decided to work in Mecca
-worked for Khadijah, later married her
-Angel Gabriel appears to Muhammad in the Dome of the Rock, gives him revelation by God in 610 -632
-dies in 632
Early Islamic History
-cuboid building in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is one of the most sacred sites in Islam.
-built by Abraham and Ismael
-black stone was given to Abraham, by Angel Gabriel
Mt. Hira
-where Prophet Mohammed meditates about life in Mecca
-Angel Gabriel appears to him and gives him revelation
-boss of Prophet Mohammed
-spouse of Prophet Mohammed
-owned Caravans
-migration or journey of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina
-migration or journey of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina
-uncreated speech
-non-chronological order
-given to Mohammed by Angel Gabriel
-longest to shortest
-114 chapters (Surahs)
-filled with versus (Ayahs)
- Verses
- 6,500 versus in Qur'an
-287 is the longest verse
-3 is the shortest verse
-a division of the Qur'an
-114 Chapters
-general consensus or agreement of the Muslim community basically on religious issues
-process of deductive analogical reasoning in which the teachings of the Hadith are compared and contrasted with those of the Qur'an
-people that memorize the Qur'an
-action of making commentary on the Qur'an
Hadith (3 types)
-3 types
-chain of transmitters
-6 Sunni Cannons
-expansion of the code of conduct (Sharia) expounded in the Quran, often supplemented by tradition (Sunnah) and implemented by the rulings and interpretations of Islamic jurists.
-designating any object or an action which is permissible to use or engage in, according to Islamic law
-meaning sinful.
-refer to any act that is forbidden by God,
Koine Greek
-language of the Day
-Reason why the NT is in Greek
Birth of Jesus in Gospels
-born in Bethlehem
-according to Matt and Luke Jesus was born from a Virgin
-grew up in Nazareth
-Three wise men (Magi), showed up bearing gifts
-Christ came to fulfill the prophecy
Ministry of Jesus in Gospels
-before ministry wandered in desert for 40 days and was tempted
-baptism by John the Baptist, marks the beginning of his ministry
-30 years old when started in ministry
Synoptic Gospels
-matt,mark, and luke are considered synoptic
-included many of the same stories, often in the same sequence, and similar wording
Roman Empire
New Testament Books
-Athanasius of Alexandria placed his authority behind 27 books
-Gospels: 4 books; Matt, Mark, Luke and John
-History: 1 book; Acts of the Apostles
-Mystical Vision: 1 book; Revelations
-Letters: 21 books; 14 written by Paul
-Saul of Tarsus as Jew
-wrote half of the books of Acts
-also authored 14 books in the New Testament
-best known early Christian
-"Second Founder of Christianity"
-first to try to systematize the beliefs of Christianity
The Caliphate
-successor to the PM
-modeled after the PM
-rightly guided Caliphs, first 4 Caliphs were selected form the Prophet Mohammed companions

1.Abu Bakr
2. Umar ibn al-Khattab
3. Uthman
4. Ali ibn Abi Talib
Islamic Expansion
-Umar initiated expansion and conquest
-Spread to Palestine, Syria, Persia, Egypt, North Africa, Spain, Middle East, India, China, and Central and South East Asia
-reason for quick expansion;no distinction among races, practical and simple,
Th Umayyad Dynasty (8 points)
-HQ in Damascus
-ruled as Kings not Religious Leaders
-succession became hereditary
-Non-Arab converts treated as second class citizens
-Captured N.Africa, Spain, and Portugal
-dominated by a military aristocracy, it was imperial and the government became more bureaucratic
-society was Arabized and Islamized
-language of the government was Arabic
The Abbasid Empire
-moved capital to Baghdad
-great centralized government and economic prosperity
-Under Persian influence had a salaried Army and bureaucracy
-developed Ulamas(educated class of Muslim legal scholars)
-No Clergy or Preist hood for Sunnis
-Built many mosques and schools
Shi'a Islam
-family line of the PM
-party of Ali
-intermeddiatiary between God
-developed sense of clergy
The Five Pillars
-Shahadah: (belief or confession of faith)
-Salat: (worship in the form of prayer)
-Sawm Ramadan: (fasting during the month of Ramadan)
-Zakat: (alms or charitable giving)
-Hajj: (the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime.
Lessons Learned in: Inside Mecca
-women need mens permission to participate in Hajj
Who was the prophet of Judaism?
Who where the Kings of Judaism?
King Saul, David, Solomon
Judaism groups and Elite Groups
-regular Jews
-The Jewish Elite (Pharisees, Sadducess, Essenes, Zealots)
5 proofs of Aquinas
1. proof of motion
2. proof of Efficient Cause
3. Proof from Necessary vs. Possible Being
4. Proof from Degrees of Perfection
5. Proof from Design
scholastic theology
understanding scripture through reason
start of Catholic Church
-Catholics believe that Catholicism started with the Apostle Peter and that Peter was the first Pope