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48 Cards in this Set

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What are considered the most dangerous weapons in the world?
land mines
What is an example of an immediate (or proximate) cause of war?
Assassination of Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand in 1914
What role does misperception play as a cause of war?
a cause of war in which one or more countries in a dispute misinterpret the intentions of the other
which country is the world's largest arms exporter?
United States
What weapons are considered weapons of mass destruction?
nuclear, biologicial, chemical
Which war claimed the highest total number of casualties?
Vietnam War
Which treaty bans the manufacture, trade, and use of land mines?
Ottawa Treaty
Who are the largest customers for weapons manufacturers?
the government
describe the various aspects of terrorism
Psychological, bombing, arson, kidnapping, hijacking, sabotage, threats, biological (food supply), chemical, environmental
Terrorists normally target ______ because the terrorists believe the attack will be highly publicized and, thus, result in political pressure that forces a change that the governing authorities wouldn't otherwise make:
general population
Discuss the various aspects of land mines
inexpensive, hard to detect and eliminate
define strategic nuclear triad.
the ability to launch nuclear weapons from land, air, and sea
What is the most common method of terrorism?
The closest the world has come to all-out nuclear war was during:
The Cold War
Kamel Daoudi was arrested in England on suspicion that he was part of a plot by al Qaeda to blow up which building and where?
American Embassy in Paris
The Contras, sponsered by the CIA, fought a war against the Sandinstas in this country.
This admiral and former head of the CIA felt that the mining of the Nicaraguan harbor by the contras was an act of state-sponsored terror:
Admiral Stansfield Turner
When the junta collapsed in this country in 1983, 30,000 people had died or were among the disappeared.
In 1946 modern terrorism was invented by this group.
The Irgun
In this famous case, a famine, which killed somewhere between seven and ten million people, was engineered by Stalin.
The holocaust
Among the most persistent human rights issues is
status of refugees
Define a "state of nature"
no established government
Define war crimes.
serious violations of both the law regulating internation armed conflict and rules covering interal armed conflicts
which countries have acknowledged nuclear weapons capability?
Britain, China, France, India, Pakistan, Russia, U.S.
In which country were women first given the right to vote?
New Zealand
There is only one country today where women have founded their own political party.
This type of femninist international relations theory focuses on the role of culture in downplaying women's experience and women's way of acquiring knowledge:
radical feminists
An explanation for the burning of witches in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries is that:
women were trying to become socially independent
science and masculinity- witches concerned with politics or life of ideas which is manly bc women are associated with emotions
What does the Human Development Index measure?
a state's economic development
Where and why was the Grameen Bank formed?
Bangladesh- Women
Where was the idea of microcredit conceived?
Muhammad Yunus, Grameen Bank, Bangledesh
What are the causes for the rise in trafficking?
poverty, high demand, inadequacy of laws and law enforcement
Cambodia was a colony of this nation:
What is the youngest age children have been sold to sex traffickers?
From where do most of the girls who are trafficked into prostitution come?
A ____ is a quantitative restriction or numerical limit on the number of items that can be imported.
Quota Import
Since the 1990s, large and sometimes violent protest have been led against which organization?
World Trade Organization
Define an infant industry.
A school of thought that believes emerging domestic industries should be protected until they become stable and mature
____ posists that, in a liberal internation economy, countries should specialize in what they produce most efficiently and/or at lowest cost compared to other countries.
comparative advantages/liberal economy
Economic liberalism, fist fully formulated by ______ advocates minimal interference by government in the economy and that countries should be free to trade with each other.
Adam Simth
Which theoretical approach to the political economy argues that free trade is bad?
Communism (Marxism)
Describe the 1999 "Battle of Seattle"
People protested because of the WTO Minsterial conference of 1999 which was pro globalization
___ act like taxes on imports.
the ___ was established to promote economic development in the world's poorer countries by financing specific projects.
the world bank
The ___ is the only global internation organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations.
The World Trade Organization
This man, in 1785, wrote an essay on the connection between slavery and sugar production.
Thomas Clarkson
This priest is working with the can laborers in the Dominican Republic and reporting the abuses which occur on the sugar plantations:
Chistopher Heartly
What was the role of the School of Americas in Latin America?
to train people to kill