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37 Cards in this Set

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preliminary narrative within which one or more of the characters proceeds to tell a series of short stories
ex: This is how Canterbury Tales is set up; The Wife of Bath
Frame Narrative
Muslim holy book
- In "The Tale od Sympathy the Learned," Sympathy is questioned for her knowledge of this book. She responds with the number of chapters, the number of words, the number of letters number of divisions and number of verses it contains. She also gives the names of the prophets mentioned in the book.
cube-shaped building in the center of the sanctuary of the mosque at Mecca where Muslims believe that Abraham built the first house for the worship of the one God; the focus of Islam to which all Muslims turn when praying, circumambulation of which is climax of the Hajj
"T of symp learned" Sympathy explains that the Kaabah is her orientation to answer a question.
pilgrimace to Mecca which every adult Muslim of sound mind and body must perform once in his lifetime
"tale of symp learned" Symphony lists this as one of the five indispensable duties of their religion
Brief songlike stories about courtly love and adventure arising from oral traditions in France (in Brittany)
- Marie de France uses this in her writing of LAIS, Bisclavret (werewolf's adventure) and Chevrefoil (Tristan and Isolde's true love)
form of narrative contrasted with epic in that it represents courtly and chivalric age rather than heroic age of tribal warfare; standard plot is quest taken on behalf of lady....
- Sir Gawain is the knight who takes the GKs challenge and shows courage while facing a magical knight
Chivalric romance (medieval romance)
narrative whose agents, actions, and even setting make sense on literal level and on "second, correlated order of signification"
- Dante in THE INFERNO is going down the wrong path in life and is taken through the circles of Hell to get where he needs to be, which is Heaven ...?
according to Christian theology, condition of sin that marks all human beings as result of Adam's first act of disobedience
- In THE PLAY OF ADAM, Adam trusts his wife rather than God, becoming the first act of fault
original sin
pride, covetousness, lust, envy, gluttony, anger and sloth; called "deadly" bc they were considered to put soul of anyone manifesting them in peril of eternal perdition; ...
- In THE INFERNO, purgatory is spit up in different levels containing these 7 deadly sins (lower, middle, upper)
7 deadly sins
each soul receives what he or she most desired or did on earth, but in a perverse and unwanted form....
- In THE INFERNO, Dante goes to the First Ring of the Seventh Circle of Hell, where those who were violent toward others spend eternity in a river of boiling blood.
Contrapasso punishment
Chaucer's frame narrative, which centers on 29 pilgrims led by innkeeper Harry Bailey going to Canterbury who agree to tell 2 stories each way
Canterbury Tales
Boccaccio's frame narrative involving 7 women and 3 men from Florence who go to the countryside to escape plague
hatred of women
- in "The Wife of Bath's Prologue" she tells that her 5th husband had a “book of wicked wives." This book contained the stories of the most deceitful wives in history.
Chaucer used this term to mean inner quality of goodness and decency
WIFE OF BATH'S TALE Arthur’s queen and other ladies of the court felt like they needed to forgive the man who raped an innocent woman and ask the king to give him one chance to save his own life.
reference to statement, person, place, event, or thing that is known from literature, history, religion, myth, politics, sports, science, or pop culture
ex: When Cassius talks about Caesar's near-drowning, he compares himself to Rome's founder Aeneas carrying his old father Anchises on his back
recapturing of Spain by Christian forces (beginning with the Alfonso and the Cid in the late 11th cent.) that culminated in the Muslim surrender of Granada in 1492, followed by the expulson of the Jews later the same year
In Fuentovejuna, this is background for the story
hypothetical, often personified force or power that favorably or unfavorably governs the events of one's life
humanistic revival of classic art, literature and learning that originated in Italy in the 14th cent. and later spread through Europe
literally, esp dramatic, "representations of serious actions which eventuate in disastrous conclusion for the protagonist"
In JULIUS CAESAR, Brutus tries to be the hero for Rome, but his poor, dangerous choices result in his death at the end of the story
"written accounts, in prose or verse, of national or worldwide events over considerable period of time" referred to as annals if they treat events on a year by year basis
In JULIUS CAESAR, the major events of Rome is recorded in the story. In the beginning of the stroy, Caesar is coming back from defeating the sons of the deceased Roman general Pompey, his archrival, in battle. ...??
highly infectious, usually fatal epidemic disease, esp. the bubonic plague; bubonic plague is also called Black Death
In DECAMERON, 7 women and 3 men from Florence go to the countryside to escape plague
very ancient Roamn festival of purification held every year on 15 Feb. ... (whose) primary purpose was to secure fertility for the fields, the flocks, and the people
JULIUS CAESAR Caesar tells Antony to touch Calpurnia during the lupercal footrace to cure her barrenness
began as an Athenian school of philosophy in 300 BC; nature (the whole universe, that is) is controlled by reason, "logos," which is identified with God and shows himself as fate (also called necessity and providence)..............
Brutus' point is that his true Stoicism is demonstrated by his ability to bear the grief of his wife's death without saying anything about it during his quarrel with Cassius.
central and southern Mexico, the Yucatan Peninsula, and the northern portion of Central America
traditional Ameridian cultures... (from the time) before Columbus' voyage of 1492, and more generally including the period before a given culture's first substantial European contact
lang spoken by Ameridians in Mexico and central America ....
Dona Marina's knowledge of this language helped Cortes during his expedition
Mayan Nahuatl
existing, growing, or produced naturally in region or country
person of mixed parentage, esp., in Latin American countries, a person having one Spanish or Portuguese parent and one American Indian parent
combination of varying, sometimes opposed, beliefs, esp of various religions
war god believed in by Aztecs and to whom they offered human sacrifices
"The True Story of the Conquest of New Spain" Montezuma was very much devoted to worshiping H and others.
religious practice followed by Aztecs to honor and appease their gods and to obtain advice and answers from them
Montezuma sacrificed youths daily to get an answer from the gods he loved.
human sacrifice
any member of Protestant group in England and American colonies that in 16th and 17th cent.s wanted to make Church of England simpler in its services and stricter about morals; persom regarded as excessively strict in morals and religion
line of demarcation seperating Brazil into two parts, one to be owned by Portugal and one by Spain, drawn in 1494
what Ferdinand and Isabel agreed to divide
Treaty of Tordesillas
the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning
A figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison
THREE RINGS- comparing the story of the giving of the 3 rings to the three religions
an omen, token, or indication.
soothsayers warning to BEWARE THE IDES OF MARCH
dream of his death
the basic precepts of Islam, including the performance of prayer and the giving of alms.
- "T of synp learned" Symphony is asked to answer the indispensable duties of her religion and answers explaining this
5 pillars of Islam